Originally posted by 文取心 at 2009-5-29 05:06 PM:
那个‘point no return' 的起点又在哪儿?
if you are trying to guess the mind of God, better give up!enjoy being in a maze.
通篇科学家的语调。基督教有the judgement day, 科学界更悲观,al Gore 的报道,还有霍金都警告前景不妙,末日也许不很远。
从科学的角度,人类的灭绝与恐龙的灭绝没什么两样,之后世界照样转,再产生更好的新生人类也未可知。All living things will die one day, including human race. Nature (God) has its own plan and destiny, the existence has its own timing, no need to worry,go with the flow。
把自己份内的做好就够了。世界总在变,一切都是暂时的,真实的只有当下。科学预测,未来某时刻银河系会与另一个星系collide, 你想人类能去哪躲着?
Blake: Art is the Tree of Life. Science is the Tree of Death.