嗯,Luhua, 你说得非常在理。但我仍然觉得,规则通常多了束缚。比如,下面编的这几句,语法错误频出,但读着不觉得那么糟糕。当然了,自己编的通常看不太出来
Ten years ago, we meet in a summer night, and we both 18. She is so pretty and I was horny as hell. So, you know. We chat and words let the dawn die, we had many many sex, when the sun rises, we f**ked again and it's so freaking beautiful. She was so pretty and my heart go for her very much. I still love her you know. She is fat and lazy now and very bitchy, And we do sex no more. But, you know what, I still love this bitch as hell.