В ней что-то чудотворное горит,
И на глазах ее края гранятся.
Она одна со мною говорит,
Когда другие подойти боятся.
Когда последний друг отвел глаза,
Она была со мной одна в могиле
И пела словно первая гроза
Иль будто все цветы заговорили.
Google 翻译:
It chudotvornoe something light,
and in front of her province granata.
She is the one with me said when others were afraid to come. When he took one eye It has been with me in the tomb and sang like a first taste Il that the flowers came.
Something of heavens ever burns in it,
I like to watch its wondrous facets' growth.
It speaks with me in fate's non-seldom fits,
When others fear to approach close.
When the last of friends had looked away
From me in grave, it lay to me in silence,
And sang as sing a thunderstorm in May,
As if all flowers began to talk in gardens.
Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, August, 2000
Edited by Dmitry Karshtedt, February, 2001