Alphago (Haiku)
A dog bites Sedol
human hair mouthful, wrong tree --
it's allowed to tackle
我曾让ChatGPT 评论一下我的诗歌,它竟然把第二行作为一个语句了。
"The text you provided is a haiku poem that references the famous match between the computer program AlphaGo and the Go player Lee Sedol in 2016.
In the poem, 'A dog bites Sedol' refers to the surprising victory of AlphaGo over Sedol, who was considered one of the best Go players in the world. "Human hair mouthful, wrong tree" suggests that Sedol may have underestimated AlphaGo's capabilities.
"Overall, the haiku captures the drama and unexpected twists of the AlphaGo vs. Sedol match in a succinct and poetic way."
我没有它说的意思。我的意思:让狗去咬人,它咬了一嘴人毛,让人痛苦 (也有李世石不该同意让狗咬自己之意)。真不该让狗咬人, 因为人不该是让狗咬的东西。为什么人把狗送去咬人呢?