臨江之人畋得麋麑畜之。入門,群犬垂涎,揚尾皆來。其人怒。怛之。自是日抱就犬,習示之,使勿動 ,稍使與之戲。積久,犬皆如人意。麋麑稍大,忘己之麋也,以為犬良我友,抵觸偃僕,益狎。犬畏主人,與之俯仰甚善,然時啖其舌。三年,麋出門,見外犬在道 甚眾,走欲與為戲。外犬見而喜且怒,共殺食之,狼藉道上。麋至死不悟。
The Fawn of Linjiang
Liu Zongyuan
A man of Linjiang caught a fawn while hunting. He decided to raise it. When he took it home, all his dogs came bearing down on it, slavering with excitement and wagging their tails. Annoyed, he bawled at them and scolded them off. And ever after that, on a daily basis, he brought the fawn over to those dogs to familiarize and acquaint them with it.
Through long effort, all the dogs behaved benignly toward the fawn. So in this way, the fawn grew up, but for this very reason, it forgot what it really was and was deceived into believing that all dogs were its friends. So it starded to get intimate with them by nuzzling, pushing and wrestling with them. For fear of the master, those dogs tempered themselves and played with it, but they were licking their lips all the time.
Three years later, the fawn was allowed to go out.It saw lots of dogs on a road. Wanting to have fun with them, it went up to them, but those dogs, prvoked, happily killed it and devoured it. On the slaughtering road, even until it's dead, the poor fawn couldn’t understand why.