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#1  [原创] 把的故事修改了



但后来,补语越来越笨,不注意吃饭,吃得越来越多,变得越来越胖。这样一来,吃饭时,宾语离她的丈夫动词越来越远。当然,她感到很不高兴。毕竟,她是动词的妻子。家里开了一次家庭会议,讨论该怎么办。宾语说:“我必须靠近我的丈夫。”动词说:“但我不能不照顾我弟弟。你不能坐在我和我弟弟之间。”父亲主语说:“那么,你可以坐在我和动词之间。”宾语说:“那怎么行?儿媳怎么能坐在公公旁边呢?”主语父亲说:“有一个办法。你可以在你和我之间放一个‘把’。”宾语问:“‘把’是什么?”父亲说:“这是中国特有的一个神奇符号。只要在两个人之间放一个‘把’,关系就不会出问题。如果你有时想独自坐着,但又不想离动词太远,你也可以坐在我的左边,但不要太靠近。” "那你我之间还要放一个把吗?“ ”不需要,“ 主语说,”把只保护它右边的人。 我不需要保护。“宾语听后觉得很好。从此以后,他们幸福地生活了几千年。

2024 校对


2024 benefits  男性


1 健康风险的管理和解释
2 基本或综合代谢组测试
3 全血细胞计数
4 结直肠癌检测,包括:
- 结肠镜检查,带或不带活检(
- CT结肠造影
- 粪便样本的DNA分析
- 双重对比钡灌肠
- 粪便潜血测试
- 乙状结肠镜检查
5 空腹脂蛋白谱(总胆固醇、LDL、HDL、
6 一般健康组合(查了一下包括血细胞计数、肾功能、肝功能、电解质、胆固醇、甘油三酯、HDL、LDL 和甲状腺功能值。)
7 前列腺癌测试 - 前列腺特异性抗原 (PSA)
8 衣原体感染筛查
9 糖尿病筛查
10 淋病感染筛查

第 1 幅

2015-1-28 20:14
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2015-1-30 16:32
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Originally posted by xyy at 2015-1-30 09:32 PM:


2024-7-24 18:29
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The Story of Ba

By Yu Laoshi

Once upon a time, in a small town in China, there lived a family. There was no mother, just a father and two sons. Father was called Subject, and was the person in charge of the family. The eldest son was called Verb and did all family work. The second son was called Complement. He was a little clumsy and could not take care of himself . He has to follow his elder brother every day. The family lived in a small, one-room house. When eating, they sat on a long table against the wall. The father Subject sat to the left of the eldest son Verb, and the second son Complement sat to the right of his brother. Later his brother had a wife named Object. When Object came, there was a problem at home. In the beginning, Complement was still very thin, so he still sat to the right of his brother Verb. Object sat to the right of Complement. You may think it strange: why didn’t the wife Object of the Verb sat next to her husband? This is because in China, the relationship between male siblings is a kind of family relationship. It is very important and can’t let outsiders in. The wife is an outsider. And because Complement is stupid and need his brother to take care of him, he had to sit next to his elder brother Verb. Although Object would like to be next to her husband, she must behave and could not be selfish.

But later, Complement became more and more stupid, and did not pay attention to eating, and ate more and more and became fatter and father. In this way, while eating, Object was farther away from Verb her husband. Of course she was upset. After all, she was Verb's wife. There was a family meeting to talk about what to do. Object said, "I have to be close to my husband." Verb said, "But I can't help but look after my brother." You can't sit between me and my brother." Dad said, "Well, you can sit between me and Verb." Object said, "How can that be done? How can a daughter in law sit next to her father in law?" Subject the Dad said: "There is a way. Put a 'BA' between you and me. "What is' BA '?" 'asked the wife. "It is a magic sign that is only available in China. Put a BA between two people and the relationship won't go wrong." Dad said, "If you want to sit by yourself sometimes, but you don't want to be too far from Verb, you can also sit on my left side, not too close though." “ Do we still need BA between us?” “ No,” Subject said. “BA only protects the person to its right. I do not need protection.” Object heard this and thought it was very good. They lived hereafter happily for thousands of years like this.

2024-8-12 20:58
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