贝多芬《第13弦乐四重奏(Op.130)》第5乐章:“诗一般柔和的 Cavatina(意大利语,意为短小的咏叹调),代表了贝多芬内心的音乐。按贝多芬自己说这是创作于1825年夏天,当时他正处于深度忧郁之时,他的朋友说贝多芬写这首音乐是含泪创作的:‘他在精神上是这样至诚,以致只要提起这段音乐,他眼泪就会涌出。’”(ZT)
keimica 4 years ago:"I know that as well. I believe it's his favorite movement. In a conversation on this subject he referred to it as 'the crown jewel'."
Osukastairu 4 years ago:"I'm reading about Beethoven right now and listening as I see titles in this book. About Cavatina, it says that Beethoven said that only thinking about the melodies made him cry (he was deaf)."
beethomozart 4 years ago:"One of Beethoven's most famous pages, preferred by the author himself, 'never music has impressed such an effect on me' he said, a composition lacking development and repetition, melodic invention of a notorious length and with variety in its last part, written with a sensation of oppression and where sound tends to dissolve constantly threaten by silence, long live ludwig van."
folsak 4 years ago:"Amazing ludwig. This is music no must express any word only feel the music. R.I.P."
DoubleGauss 4 years ago:"Can you name the ensemble that performed this quartet? The Cavatina is a very delicate piece and it's easy to screw it up by playing it fast. This is one of the better renditions I have heard."
hellomate639 4 years ago:"Its a very sad, sweet, near end of life song..."
imajeepster 3 years ago:"The saddest thing is that Beethoven was totally deaf, and never got to hear it....it's the music of someone saying Goodbye."
rchen123 3 years ago:"This music is a gift from the heavens, it is about 'us' as a humans which is full of sadness yet full of hope, full of bitterness yet full of kindness, like lost souls full of contradictions. This version is a minute longer than the version of the 'golden record' on the Voyager spaceship launched in 1977 into the the cosmic abyss."
RIce2324 3 years ago:"Only goes to show that hearing music isn't enough. You have to feel it. Beethoven was the best at that. Probably more-so than any musician in the world."
granchard 3 years ago:"As I drive along listening to the great mans sublime works, I imagine him sitting next to me with the ability to hear, It is a beautiful idea that he would be able to listen.On hearing, I wonder if he would change anything."
folsak 3 years ago:"The limits of the art."
Sonolumino8939 2 years ago:"There are very few pieces which embody life, death, struggle, hope, love, and beauty in all their forms. This is such a piece, an eternal, transcendental work not of this world, but given to mankind to reassure us that there is something more to our lives. Thank you God, and thank you Beethoven."
keimica 2 years ago:"I don't know what kind of women you know who listen to this music that then didn't like it. But it's sad if ANYONE doesn't like this music, and I don't see why you think it must be a woman thing. That's rather limiting. This was Beethoven's favorite piece, which he called 'the crown jewel' and the only piece of his that made him cry. It's also on the Voyager spacecraft, (although the Budapest quartet interpretation)."
DoubleGauss 2 years ago:"Beethoven never actually heard this piece himself as he was completely deaf when he composed it. So if he cried, he cried while imagining the sound in his head."
Moon0Royalty 2 years ago:"My heart does swell listening to Beethoven, but I do not cry. Why? Because tears are not to be shed over such beauty."
exxcalibur1973 1 year ago:"In the words of Marliave, 'the music here reaches an intensity of feeling that transcends all the agony of grief, all the depths of anguish that human grief could experience.'"
imajeepster 1 year ago:"I know, that's the saddest thing to think of...that he was never able to hear it. Sob..."
exxcalibur1973 1 year ago:"Really, I never knew it was Beethoven's favorite piece. I don't know the musical term for what happens at 4:23 but it is the most, most , most, most amazing thing i have ever heard. I recall hearing it for the first time about 10 years ago. I quit my job and came back home to restart my life because it was as if everything i had done had led to that moment. Where do you go after this? You can't just do what you were doing. It makes no sense. It is a death and rebirth and the divine."
ScoutIsBestClass 8 months ago:"There are two times when it's acceptable to cry. when someone dies and when you hear the Cavatina."
Peter O' Neill 1 month ago:"'But it is the Cavatina that immediately precedes that Allegro that made the greatest impression on me. A movement which which in calm finality and intensity goes beyond anything I have heard by the venerable Ludwig.' Samuel Beckett, 1934, in a letter to Morris Sinclair."