展期:2008年8月8日- 10月7日,10:00–18:00(每周一休息)
86-10-64322663 / 64319063 / 64319693
New Works by RongRong & inri
Three Shadows 2008 Solo Exhibition Series
Artists: RongRong&inri
Curator: Wu Hung
Opening: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 3pm
Exhibition Duration: August 8 to October 7, 2008, 10am – 6pm (closed on Mondays)
Renowned photographers RongRong (China) and inri (Japan) have been working together since 2000. Their works reflect the intimate world that they have created together, while pushing the boundaries of traditional black-and-white darkroom techniques. Their past critically acclaimed series of works, such as Mt. Fuji, In Nature, and Liulitun, focus on the beauty of the human being in nature and the urban environment.
In the 2007, RongRong and inri established the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, bringing to life a dynamic new home for artists by artists. This summer, they will be welcoming a new life into their family. RongRong and inri's recent works are intricately tied to the development of the centre, and the relationship between destruction, reconstruction, and the rebirth of life that emerges from this cycle.
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
No. 155-A Cao Changdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015
86-10-64322663 / 64319063 / 64319693