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标题: Lord, They're Finally Together 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  Lord, They're Finally Together

Lord, They're Finally Together

She married and had 13 children. Her husband died.

She married again and had 7 more children. Again, her husband died.

But, she remarried and this time had 5 more children. Alas, she finally died.

Standing before her coffin, the preacher prayed for her. He thanked the Lord for this very loving woman and said: "Lord, they're finally together."

One mourner leaned over and quietly asked her friend: "Do you think he means her first, second or third husband?"

The friend replied: "I think he means her legs."


Note: My manager Ed this piece to our team this morning.

因为我和黑夜结下了不解之缘 所以我爱太阳
2007-2-5 10:08
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