In 《致命恋情》(Dangerous Liaison), Keanu Reeves (once my favorite actor) is supposed to be a rascal (小无赖),because the first time he was out, he was on Glenn Close's bed. He must be coerced to seduce Uma Thurman, not loving her from his heart. in the movie, Keanu looks like a hillbilly, wasn't a rascal. Here, Dangerous Liaision doesn’t plot this very well. Because it looks everybody in the entire movie is of questionable nature.
In《法尔芒》(Valmont), 竖琴教师本是个谦恭的少年,但眉宇间英气勃勃。他真心地爱着小姑娘,当他们的私情暴露后,他拒绝交出情书,显示了勇气和决心。It’s much better. At lease there is somebody who was pure and had true feelings in the first place. But there is an unnatural plot too here. Think about this: would a boy sleep with an older woman if he would fight a duel for his love?
I agree with you in “Dangerous Liaison,” over all, Glenn Close, John Malkovich, and Uma are too old for their characters.
I think in《致命恋情》 Pfeiffer’s performance as Madame De Tourvel is too much affected, too much pretending. Meg Tilly played that roll perfect. She played a 圣女 in “Agnes of God”and was nominated for Oscar for that role, and that was perhaps the reason they chose her for Madame De Tourvel. I think Madame De Tourvel indeed moved Valmont in the movie even though she isn’t as pretty as Pfeiffer, because in reality Meg Tilly did touch Colin Firth’s heart while they acted together. They had an affair, a child too, after the movie. I gave my highest regard to Meg Tilly (not because she is half-Chinese) for her act in《法尔芒》.
Anita Bening is prettier than Glenn Close, but her act in 《法尔芒》 is a little bit too intense all the time, too coquettish some times. I think a brainy women like her wouldn’t forget (abase) herself so much as in the scene of her taking a bath in front of Valmont, which gave me a feeling that the character she played wasn’t consistent. She, an older woman, shouldn’t be the one who changed so much.
Above all, I think Colin Firth, my favorite actor all time, are the best of all too.
In Valmont, I think, Colin and Meg played the characters that are close to themselves (or they are really, really good in acting), and they have no need to pretend, and that is part of the reason they played very well.
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