Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2009-10-21 10:21 PM:
luhua 說[你一句”天下第一“已經”得罪“太多人了。]
你所谓的“内行”不就和飞机上的厕所差不多大的一点点私人空间么,大小仅能勉强容下一人,横竖您抢先蹲了坑,在里面充任了唯一的“内员”,任何其他人无论如何内急,都只能在飞机厕所外面干着急,而您索性就是不开门。你若是在里面铁了心要待一天一夜,别人便只能尿裤子, 只能低三下四哀求您行行好--您不就是打这点如意算盘么。你大概忘了见您老不出来,别人完全可以向空服人员报告,说厕客恐多有不测--或者再加点合理的推测,机上空服人员随时可以用emergency key 打开飞机上任何一扇厕所的门,以便施救啊。
最近,您在别的论坛用您自己写的一篇英语习作作范儿,旨在说明什么是以及如何写 Pure English prose, 现一并贴出,供人“瞻仰”,和您的其他文论、习作一样,您非常习惯于自卖自夸,自己怎么看怎么好,全是优点,略无半点欠缺不妥。那么,现在请问,您的 English prose 在全世界排第几名呢?有人认为以此文来看,您的英语prose 全球排名当在 5千万名之外,2亿5千万名之内,具体是这两亿名里的哪一名有待评估,以便进一步缩小名次范围。对此, 您怎么看?
如何学写pure English
凡是非英美人寫的英文﹐都有其母語的痕跡。俄國英文有俄文的味道﹐而中式英文尤為大家三熟悉。這裡所指中式英文﹐是指較正規寫作裡的中文味道﹐不是指市面上翻譯童子雞這種英文。為什么會形成中式英文﹖有兩個方面的情況﹕1) 是用中文思維來寫英文﹔2) 選用的英文詞以構成英文句子﹐不是英美人習慣的說法。因為手邊沒現成的例子﹐不能作進一步的分析探討。抱歉。以後碰到時﹐予以補充。
問題主要的是﹕怎能避免這種情況﹐而寫出pure English﹖這就像學字臨帖一樣﹐要使自己字寫得好﹐須找個名家法帖臨摹﹐如歐陽詢的。也像要學寫格律詩先要讀杜甫詩一樣。所以要學寫pure English﹐就得找本英美文學名家的原始作品當範本讀。讀時先要注意英美人是怎樣思維的﹐逐漸形成用英文思考的習慣﹐這樣就能避免以中文思維來寫英文的習慣。其次要注意英美人是怎樣措辭的。他們用什麼詞﹐以什麼句式來表達什麼意思的。逐漸學會他們的表達法。就離開pure English不遠了。越是英美原創作品讀得多﹐在潛移默化中﹐越能進行英文思維。這是能寫出pure English的基礎。等這個基礎打穩固後﹐再讀些英文非原創作品﹐或非英美名家寫的英文作品﹐以擴大知識面及眼界﹐對英文寫作也有幫助。在閱讀過程中﹐要能逐漸辨別得出好的用詞﹐句式結構﹐表達法﹐筆記下來﹐在以後自己寫作時參考。
Time is a never-fatigued traveler proceeding on his endless journey. He goes second by second, slowly but steadily to the Eternity, never halting for a rest. He brings everything to decay in due season, however enduring the thing may be. Even celestial globes will cease to be, our earth among them, for it is but a globe, too, in the universe, let alone a poor living creature. The human life is short at best. If we look from the height of Eternity at the human lives below that come into being and then pass out of existence, they seem to us like flash of sparks that appear and vanish in a moment. To a certain individual life is granted but once. Therefore, we must make the most use of every minute, and the waste of time is the waste of life, for time is life.
Then in what way should one spend one's time, or rather, one's life? Someone fools it away, walking in the streets and looking at the shopwindows all day long; someone loses it in a fight for nothing; someone gives it up to dissipation and merry-making; while others devote theirs for the benefit of their motherland and the mankind in the field of science, art or literature, etc.
In my early boyhood I began the reading of the novels like the Red Chamber Dream and all that. Books became my daily companions, and also the daily nourishment for my mind. My reading field was widened with the years. Classics and poetry were like tough meat for me in my teens, but I chewed them with perseverance and devoured them one by one. Every book I read seemed to open for me a new window through which I could peep into the magnificently decorated rooms in the grand palace of Muses. My young heart leaped with the thrill of joy at the beauties of literature. I decided then that literature should be my career.
When at school I began to learn English and gave most of my spare time to the study of it. I read English novels and poetry, and was greatly fascinated by the Occidental charms of that literature. It seemed as if I had got into another room of that palace--the room of English literature; but I have found that this room is not so splendidly adorned as that of Chinese literature. By thus speaking, I mean not that I love English literature less, but that I love our Chinese literature more. With what a proud feeling I read over and over again the books in Chinese dealing with literature; with what a delight and excitement I recite the famous poems and essays for their beautiful wording in the description of nature and the expression of the views on the philosophy of life; and with what an esteem and reverence I admire the culture of our ancestors that has a history of some thousand years. How proud I am of being born a Chinese and how wistfully I long to add something to the storage in the treasure house of literature, and then I can say with self-satisfaction that my life is not a waste.
任何文學寫作的開始要想句漂亮的句子點題。(見上)儘可能把平時學到的短語用上去﹐如bring to decay﹐in due season﹐let alone ﹐或者現成的好句子﹕The human life is short at best.。最好有點自己的想象﹕look from the height of Eternity at the human lives below﹐後面跟兩個對稱從句﹐使句子讀來平衡。至于make the most (best) use of這個短語較俗﹐隨手拿來利用一下。隨後用個複合句the waste of time is the waste of life, for time is life.指出時間與生命的關係。like tough meat學自一篇文章﹐寫一個作家﹐忘了是否是狄更斯﹐說他自九歲開始就啃古典文學。My young heart leaped with the thrill of joy at the beauties of literature.也學自名家的寫作。下面not that I love sth less, but that I love sth else more句式﹐學自莎翁的名劇“凱撒大帝”。It is not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more。後面的排比句With what...;with what...;with what... 以及How proud...and how wistfully學自The Sketch Book。