我说我要继续这一主题, here it is:
"9-11" - The Last Struggle
When I was a young girl I often heard a song called “International Song” which was very popular during Chinese Cultural Revolution. The song introduced a concept called “The Last Struggle” which referred to the “struggle” between the “working class” and the “capitalists”. However I believe that is not The Last Struggle of mankind; rather it is the battle of making a choice between hatred and love, war and peace, revenge and forgiveness. The Last Struggle is about whether mankind can move forward towards the brightness or remain tracked within the circle of darkness.
I wrote an article eight years ago when I was still struggling with my English; I wrote it shortly after “9-11”. Throughout these eight years I have seen more wars, revenges and terrorist attacks and the Meddle East situation remains the same.
This article is simply to show another form of power and strength. I post this eight-year-old article today as my special way of remembering the “9-11”, tenderly.
I believe that for those who are living on the other side, there is no hatred anymore. If I could see them face to face today, they would peacefully applaud these ideas. I deeply believe this.
Here it is ------
The Crossroad
When I am standing in front of the ruins of ‘11’, I am standing before a big crossroad – there has never been a crossroad that is bigger and more critical than this one.
I don’t know if everything happens for a reason; but I know this one did and different people explain the reason differently. Isn’t it the time for human being to have a closer understand of why this happened?
There are sounds of revenge; but listen to the sound that is still echoing beneath the big ‘11’. I only hear the word: LOVE. It tells me which way to go on this crossroad. It tells me that even God had faced the very same crossroad when mankind became so sinful – To punish or to forgive. God has chosen the second one. He made the second choice by sending us Jesus Christ. Jesus has been here to guide us to take a road of love, forgiveness and peace.
When I look at the Cross, I know that it takes more courage, wisdom and strength to love and forgive than to hate and revenge because the former seems to be conflict with our short desire; for it could be painful and requires sacrifice.
I believe in the United States of America because I believe in God. This is a country that declares its trust on God on every single penny. This is a country that has the power, energy, strength and spirit to carry out God’s will – with total love, forgiveness and peace to unite the entire mankind. That is the future of freedom, happiness and prosperity of this world.
God is watching us. God is watching over the United State of America. We are leaders of the world, aren’t we? What direction are we going to lead the world? What inheritance are we leaving for our children?
If you think LOVE and forgiveness are meaningless you are deadly wrong. LOVE and forgiveness mean everything to this world. It is the world’s ultimate righteousness and harmony. It is human being’s true nature God had given to us. It is what makes this world beautiful, meaningful and worth of existing.
What makes us safer? What makes the world safer? The power of missile or the power of LOVE? This world may still have devils. We may still need to fight them. But make sure we don’t step into the same path that devil takes. When the world is with us or when we are with the world, the only one that is in danger is devil itself.
The choice is ours. God had given us the freedom of choice. God may not punish for what we pick, but ourselves will do and the punishment could be fatal.
Forgive and be forgiven; give and be given; be humble and be proud of. If God is with us, who can be against us?
“9-11”--- 这是最后的斗争
尽管如此,八年前的我,还没有从人类历史命运的高度看到问题的危机程度。直到前不久,一个偶然的契机,才使我对这个问题有了空前的认识。我写下了《七秋孤独,我对博爱的胡思乱想 》这篇散文。
八年后的今天,我公开自己当年“莽撞”的英文稿件 (文词略有修改)。胡思乱想也好,千年孤独也罢,我坚信暴力是死亡谷;惟有沟通、理解、宽恕、互爱能浇开人间和谐美好的绿洲。我坚信,生命彼岸的灵魂,再也没有了怨恨,有的只是安详。如若他们能和我们交流,那么他们一定会为我的投稿鼓掌。因为爱,给我们共同的孩子们未来,我相信。
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