#1 [转载]How to Get a Runner's High
Runner's high is a term given to the feeling of euphoria that is induced by distance running. You don't have to be a world class athlete, or even a distance runner per se to experience this elevated state of mind. This wiki explains how any person can achieve a runner's high and dramatically improve his or her fitness while doing it. The steps below are based on a 30 - 45 minute run.
1. Start out slowly. It is very common for people to feel fatigue within the first minute of running. To make it over this initial hump or avoid it altogether you should set your initial pace extremely slow taking small steps.
2. Pick up the pace, slightly for just a few minutes. This lets your body know that there is work to be done. Your body will respond by doing all sorts of neat biological responses that are way beyond the scope of this wiki but ultimately will lead to your high.
3. Slow down as soon as you start to feel fatigue. This will help you regain your breath and your legs but your body will keep on doing those biological things. Plan on keeping your slow pace for 20-30 more minutes.
4. Let your speed find you. At some point in your slow run you will likely experience a sudden increase in energy. When you get this feeling you should be ready to channel it into a hard run. This is the zone where you will find your high.
5. Now run hard and see how your body responds. Once you start to feel winded you must push your body just a little further to find your high.
6. Once the runner's high hits you just go with it. The harder you run the better you will feel. After a few minutes the high will peak and then gradually fade. Slow your pace as the high fades over the next 5-10 minutes.
7. Finish out your run at a sustainable pace.
8. Never, ever walk. Runner's high can only be achieved through running. A typical mistake is to run hard for a few minutes and then stop and walk to catch your breath. Pace yourself so you don't run out of breath. If you do feel the urge to walk, don't. Instead just run really, really slow. Keep the same motion as running but with slow, small steps.
9. Don't expect to win any races using this technique. Running slowly is not a common strategy to win races.
10. Wear running shoes and clothes.
11. Drink lots of fluids before, during and after, to replace those lost.
12. If you feel sick, stop immediately.
13. If you are having trouble finding your pace or rhythm, try listening to music while you run.