1,在 Babara Walters 的节目听说第一夫人伊梅尔达有3000多双鞋子。
2,俺孩子很小的时候,有个同学兼好朋友,她们整天在一块儿玩,一块儿上芭蕾课。她的妈妈从菲来美,是医生,家里很富有。有一个从菲带来的保姆。那个保姆气得我没办法。她是全职保姆,有时想尽办法让俺帮她接送孩子。同学的妈妈不在家,爸爸在的时候,她来俺家把孩子仍下就走,过一,两个小时再来接。有次俺亲耳听见那个同学的爸爸很凶地说,"Alex,you can't stay, you must go!" I can't image what has happened there after Alex is gone. A few times, I was on the verge to tell the mother, but I didn't in the end. She always has an impression that I'm not willing to help sometimes. 现在想起来还觉得对不起那个同学的妈妈,俺感到自己象帮助了保姆做了什么似的。。。哈哈哈。。。