#1 [原创]A funeral (葬礼)
In a corporate office, a phone conversation.
A US employee: ……. do you mind attending an EMEA meeting for me at 5:30am my time? which is 2:30pm your local time. It’s a bit too early for me.
German boss: Ah, no problem, but… let me check my calendar, hmm, I do have a funeral to attend at 2:30pm.
US employee: A funeral? for who?
German Boss: A friend of mine, at my age (middle-aged) you know. Sigh.
US Employee: That's so young, he died from disease?
German Boss: Nope, he was cleaning his rifle , an accident.
US Employee: Oh my God!
German Boss: Yeah, I don’t like attending funerals, it feels more miserable than those meetings.