Originally posted by 余立蒙 at 2006-6-6 08:57 PM:
还尤其迷济慈. 那译得才叫棒!
查良铮的济慈是我的诗歌启蒙读物啊,十分难忘!让我再啰嗦一次把那段经历写出来 -
So anyway, there was this young girl,
lonely and always absent-minded
in others' eyes,
spent most of her spare time wandering
about the little dark library.
One day she discovered such a book.
She stared at Keats' portrait
(he is strikingly beautiful!),
at his melancholy eyes,
as if he had spoken to her.
He spoke to her in his poetry,
full of marvel and majesty,
like a light shone upon her trivial world
from an ethereal power.