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标题: [原创] Inspiration from a River with Dam 延寿营大闸 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创] Inspiration from a River with Dam 延寿营大闸

Inspiration from a River with Dam

West of the dam is the serene lake
East of the dam is the roaring fall
White and green jades clash and clank
Fury waves to the sky angrily call
Horses at night gallop away on the snow
And at sunrise nowhere to be found at all
A bridge, deserted and empty, stand tall

Admirable though the excitement is
Better is to follow the rushing river
Turning away from riches of today
Seeking the spender in the future
Some trace must man leave in this world
Don’t just wait for the fish to bite the bate
Surrounded by kids the white haired man at home
Will envy the achievements others have made

Scholars in college, girls with talent
They cry over their poor discomfort
How stupid for them to blame others
When they do not want to make an effort?
Giving up their great expectation
They indulge in money and flirtation
A nest-less eagle will soar far and high
Her chicks is always an old hen bound by

Before the spring comes one should plan for the year
To go on a journey far you better first ready your gear

此乃一首中文旧诗的英文改写。 照片即所咏之凤河。开闸时,闸东白浪翻滚似雪。插队时曾弄潮。原诗:

激流歌, 题延寿营大闸  1976, 8, 24

闸西静湖水, 闸东钱塘潮。 翡翠击白玉, 狂涛呼九霄。一夜万马踏雪去, 朝寻征人行迹杳, 百年不回余空桥。

与其慕激烈, 莫若赴身随。 不恋今生富, 道是有轮回。 人生一世须留迹, 鄙看闲翁待游鱼。白头故里儿女多, 老来徒慕他人绩。

大学生, 高材女, 叹贫境, 愁无逸。 怨天尤人是蠢驴,岂非少壮不努力? 空贪三分财与色, 抛却前程千万里。 鹰隼无家飞高远, 觅食育雏老母鸡。

应趁春未到, 早定十年计。 奔腾翻卷行天下, 一切旧物荡涤。

第 1 幅

2015-11-24 14:37
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