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标题: [旧作]Notes from the Crescent City 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [旧作]Notes from the Crescent City


Notes from the Crescent City

Under the honey-dipped moon
The city is brewing up a storm
Like a voodoo queen’s pot
Bubbling with excitement
With anticipation

I am but one of the ingredients
A sacrificed fish, suffocated
Gasping for the moist air

All things are mixed together

Milk chocolate skins and cellulite-free bodies mixed
With tourists’ pale paunches

Proud flags of Star - Spangled Banner mixed
With proud flags of rainbow

Smells of sweats and perfumes
Cigarettes and weeds
Garbage and sewage

All mixed up together
In this giant bowl of Gumbo

2006-8-31 19:43
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I like last two verses best )

2006-8-31 20:15
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"Under the honey-dipped moon
The city is brewing up a storm
Like a voodoo queen’s pot
Bubbling with excitement
With anticipation"

like that, can feel the tension...

2006-8-31 21:52
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Originally posted by Susan at 2006-9-1 12:43 AM:

did I? oh boy, can't even remember. read again and feel it's not glued together as a whole piece. maybe I felt same thing earlier. Like your Chicago very much though, IMO it's your best poem.

世界無窮願無盡, 海天寥廓立多時
2006-8-31 22:00
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