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#1  [原创]The Pity of Love

The Pity of Love

A sweet sorrow beyond all telling
Is hidden in the heart of love:
The days that are bustling and compelling;
The nights with their silence above;
The old melody whispering in ears
And the agony held back in pride
Invite me to muse over the fleeting years
And wish him to be by my side.

世界無窮願無盡, 海天寥廓立多時
2006-8-20 22:52
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Originally posted by adagio at 2006-8-20 08:52 PM:
The Pity of Love
The old melody whispering in ears
And the longing held back by pride


2006-8-20 23:25
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2006-8-20 23:30
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2006-8-20 23:32
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Thanks everyone.

This poem is more or less word play (though not without genuine feeling), a rework based on a poem by Yeats with same title -

The Pity of Love
By William Butler Yeats
A pity beyond all telling  
Is hid in the heart of love:  
The folk who are buying and selling,  
The clouds on their journey above,  
The cold, wet winds ever blowing,         
And the shadowy hazel grove  
Where mouse-grey waters are flowing  
Threaten the head that I love.

I found it interesting to rewrite the past masters' work by expressing my own feelings.  Now my poem feels more right after I changed a few words. Sometimes searching for a right & accurate word in a poem can drive me insane.

世界無窮願無盡, 海天寥廓立多時
2006-8-21 09:35
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