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标题: [原创]Hardly Missed/爱的广场,少女和枪 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  [原创]Hardly Missed/爱的广场,少女和枪

Hardly Missed (爱的广场,少女和枪)


It’s so hard to forget
That summer, which place, that bloody sunset
You met her
A love affair sabotaged a massacre
You carried a machine gun
She had a cigarette

When the bird flew away from his nest
The young lady had you in bed
You said to her,
Take my machine gun, or you would die tonight
The girl lit up a cigarette
Kill me now then, she replied

Your lust burnt her desire
Her Lip set your flesh on fire
It’s so hard to forget
That summer, that heat, that phenomenal tide

The bird flew over his nest
A fallen feather landed to the girl’s bed
No tears shed, and no regret
You left, with the first starlight
See you at the square, she said

That summer, which place, that night
You raised the machine gun
She lit up another cigarette
It’s so hard to forget
A tender heart betrayed your words
Mercy bullets missed the target

You shot away her cigarette
The machine gun wittily said, we’ve never met
You know what? Let me try, her heart replied.

But how could she forget
In that summer, love touched a place
At a square so was an affair
A soldier and a girl, once met in despair,
The machine gun and a cigarette, were softly stripped,
by the flaming sunset

2010-5-17 10:35
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