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#1  To An Eternal Star

To An Eternal Star
- In Memory of Dr. Yang Xiaokai

In a time the news broke
Amid the joyful cries of children
And the sweet air of fresh-baked cake
That you have fallen

Or have risen to a new star
Shining alone, as always
But now looking upon us from far
With your merciful eyes

How much sufferings are required
To give birth to the fierce fire
So brilliant, out of a singular mind,
That it’s lightened a dark world of fear?

I see trees of green, and peace in heaven
In my daily walk at dusk
It’s a wonderful world, when
Enlightened by all stars of the past

2006-5-1 20:03
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2006-5-2 07:41
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2006-5-2 07:43
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