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标题: I’ve trodden many roads in the past 上一主题 | 下一主题

#1  I’ve trodden many roads in the past

I’ve trodden many roads in the past
To pursue a dear phantom cast
By the Sun of my young dreams
That I call Meaning but it seems

My treasure is what Gods hide
In wind, in stars, and the vanishing tide
I searched and searched for it in vain
Across years of despair and pain …

Love, you are the treasure at my gate
Hidden from me by the severe Fate
Only when I have suffered all my due
She will recompense me with you

O joy! How sweet my sufferings are!
They’ve enriched my heart forward far
To see beauty revealed in an ordinary day
Which, shine or rain, goes love’s way

2006-5-1 19:52
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