读Walter Issacson写的基辛格传,里面提到尼克松在1972年访华前夕曾经专门写过一个memo,把自己跟周恩来相比,要求基辛格把这个memo作为talking points:
July 19, 1971
To: Henry Kissinger
From: The President
One effective line you could use in your talks with the press is how RN (Richard Nixon) is uniquely prepared for this meeitng and how in many ways he has similar character characteristics and background to Chou. I am just listing a few of the items that might be emphasized:
1. Strong convictions
2. Came up through adversity
3. At his best in a crisis. Cool. Unflappable.
4. A tough bold leader
5. A man who takes long view
6. A man with a philosophical turn of mind
7. A man who works without notes...
8. A man who knows Asia...
9. A man who is subtle and appears almost gentle. The tougher his position,
usually, the lower his voice..
You could point out that most of these attributes are ones that you also saw in Chou-Enlai.
(后来,基辛格按尼克松的旨意,把周恩来和尼克松作如下一对一地比较:Kissinger found many similarities between the chinese permier and the President. Chou did not nitpick, a diplomatic device that Nixon scorns too. Chou expounded his ideology with fervor, but it never overwhelmed realism. Nixon does the same. Chou did not have to use a note in 20 hours of conversation. That's the way Nixon talks.)
尼克松这样一个反共老手、自由世界的领袖,却写这样一个简直象laundry list的memo,把自己和一个共产党人物相比,他的立场到哪里去了?
