标题: 朱小棣:《Tales of Judge Dee》(Fiction) [打印本页]
作者: 伊甸园丁 时间: 2007-4-11 17:11 标题: 朱小棣:《Tales of Judge Dee》(Fiction)
朱小棣:《Tales of Judge Dee》
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作者: 伊甸园丁 时间: 2007-4-11 17:21
《Tales of Judge Dee》作者简介
Zhu Xiao Di is a graduate of MIT with a master's degree in City Planning (1991).
Between 1992 and 1997, he worked at the Center for Survey Research at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He also worked for Arthur Andersen & Co. as a management consultant between 1995 and 1996. He has been at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University since 1997.
In addition to helping produce The State of the Nation's Housing report annually released at the Joint Center, he has authored or co-authored numerous Joint Center publications. Recent contributions include: "The Importance of Wealth and Income in the Transition to Homeownership" (2005), "The Impact of Minority Growth and Minorities’ Rising Household Income on Housing Markets" (2005), "Emerging Cohort Trends in Housing Debt and Home Equity" (2005), "The Impact of New Census Bureau Interim National Population Projections on Projected Household Growth in the United States" (2004), "'Million-Dollar' Homes and Wealth in the United States" (2004), "Housing Wealth and Household Net Wealth in the United States" (2003), "The Importance of Housing to the Accumulation of Household Net Wealth" (2003), "How Local Rent Change and Earning Capacity Affect Natural Household Formation by Young Adults" (2003), "Intergenerational Wealth Transfer and Its Impact on Housing" (2002), "Young American Adults Living in Parental Homes" (2002), "The Role of Housing as a Component of Household Wealth" (2001), "Second Homes: What, How Many, Where, and Who" (2001), "Cohort Insights into the Influence of Education, Race and Family Structure on Homeownership Trends by Age: 1985 to 1995" (2001), "Residential Conversions" (2000), "Housing and Economic Development in Suzhou, China: A New Approach to Deal with the Inseparable Issues," (2000), and "Updating and Extending the Joint Center Household Projections Using New Census Bureau Population Projections" (2000).
In addition to his housing related research publications, he has authored several biographical works including: Thirty Years in a Red House, A Memoir of Childhood and Youth in Communist China, (Foreword by Ross Terrill, University of Massachusetts Press, 1998; Paperback, 1999; Penguin Books, India, 2000) and, a contribution to Father: Famous Writers Celebrate the Bond Between Father and Child (Pocket Books, 2000: a collection of essays including contributions by Annie Proulx, John Updike, Dean Koontz, and Calvin Trillin.).
【ZT from JCHS of Harvard University(www.jchs.harvard.edu). Thanks!】
作者: 伊甸园丁 时间: 2007-4-11 17:33
《Tales of Judge Dee》Editorial Reviews of Amazon.com
Book Description
"Someday I'm going to teach these greedy people a lesson," said Judge Dee, a tall broad-shouldered man with a foot-long black beard and matching side-whiskers.
The legendary figure comes back! He continues to solve baffling cases in 7th century China, but at a faster pace.
Tales of Judge Dee is Zhu Xiao Di's debut in fiction. His other books include: Thirty Years in a Red House, a Memoir of Childhood and Youth in Communist China (University of Massachusetts Press, 1998, paperback from the same press, 1999, new edition by Penguin Books India, 2000) and Father: Famous Writers Celebrate the Bond between Father and Child(Pocket Books, 2000, contributing along with John Updike, Annie Proulx, Dean Koontz, Calvin Trillin, and others.)
Boston Globe calls his memoir “a splendid lesson in 20th-century Chinese history,” and Library Journal says it is “engrossing and engaging.”
Download Description
"Someday I'm going to teach these greedy people a lesson," said Judge Dee, a tall broad-shouldered man with a foot-long black beard and matching side-whiskers.
The legendary figure comes back! He continues to solve baffling cases in 7th century China, but at a faster pace.
Tales of Judge Dee is Zhu Xiao Di's debut in fiction. His other books include: Thirty Years in a Red House, a Memoir of Childhood and Youth in Communist China (University of Massachusetts Press, 1998, paperback from the same press, 1999, new edition by Penguin Books India, 2000) and Father: Famous Writers Celebrate the Bond between Father and Child(Pocket Books, 2000, contributing along with John Updike, Annie Proulx, Dean Koontz, Calvin Trillin, and others.)
Boston Globe calls his memoir 'a splendid lesson in 20th-century Chinese history," and Library Journal says it is 'engrossing and engaging."
About the Author
Zhu Xiao Di, born in China and living in the United States since 1987, currently works at Harvard University as a senior researcher, and can be reached at zhu_xiao_di@harvard.edu.
His memoir, Thirty Years in a Red House, was a Choice magazine Outstanding Book in 1998.
作者: 伊甸园丁 时间: 2007-4-11 17:45
《Tales of Judge Dee》出版及订购信息
Tales of Judge Dee (Paperback)
by Zhu Xiao Di (Author)
bbcodeurl('http://www.yidian.org/attachments/month_0704/stars-4-5_whQ2UHpXotTn.gif', '')(7 customer reviews)
List Price: $13.95
Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.
Product Details
Paperback: 170 pages
Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (February 16, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595384382
ISBN-13: 978-0595384389
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #412,943 in Books.
http://www.amazon.com/Tales-Judge-Dee-Zhu-Xiao/dp/0595384382/ref=dp_return_2/002-9373717-4700824?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books附件 1 :
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作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2007-5-10 12:10
Links for a review and interview.
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-3-15 12:56
作者: xzhao2 时间: 2008-3-15 16:09
作者: weili 时间: 2008-3-15 17:01
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-3-16 13:55
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-3-17 18:29
作者: 晨思 时间: 2008-3-17 18:50
Zhu Xiao Di 好厉害,一直也想写英文的,无奈眼高手低。
作者: 冬雪儿 时间: 2008-3-18 10:28
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-3-18 13:44
Thank you all.
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-12-7 13:26
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-12-7 14:37
Originally posted by thesunlover at 2008-12-7 06:26 PM:
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2008-12-7 15:13
那么究竟应该算个什么类?小说、诗歌、散文、fiction、nonfiction, 等等,
作者: 冰花 时间: 2008-12-7 15:40
祝贺! 不容易呀, 边工作边写作, 五年心血终于结硕果!可喜可贺!!
Originally posted by weili at 2008-3-15 10:01 PM:
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-12-7 16:42
Originally posted by
冰花 at 2008-12-7 08:40 PM:
祝贺! 不容易呀, 边工作边写作, 五年心血终于结硕果!可喜可贺!!
作者: zhuxiaodi 时间: 2008-12-7 16:43
Originally posted by
thesunlover at 2008-12-7 08:13 PM:
那么究竟应该算个什么类?小说、诗歌、散文、fiction、nonfiction, 等等,
作者: 笑雨 时间: 2008-12-7 17:10
Originally posted by zhuxiaodi at 2008-12-7 07:37 PM:
欢迎光临 伊甸文苑 (http://yidian.org/~yidianor/) |
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