标题: 男士请进:你愿意作她们的爱人吗? [打印本页]
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2007-10-3 09:34 标题: 男士请进:你愿意作她们的爱人吗?
请先回答问题,答案下回揭晓。附件 1 :
Img227358814.jpg (2007-10-3 09:34, 34.72 K )
附件 2 :
0004014023.jpg (2007-10-3 09:43, 74.51 K )
附件 3 :
0004014022.jpg (2007-10-3 09:43, 105.13 K )
作者: 冬雪儿 时间: 2007-10-3 10:20
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2007-10-3 13:35
Originally posted by 冬雪儿 at 2007-10-3 10:20:
作者: searain 时间: 2007-10-3 15:30
Just a guess. Are you telling us they are actually men? See the first photo the middle one and the second photo, first one from right ... They are not pretty enough to be the top 1 or the top 3, unless there is a catch.
作者: searain 时间: 2007-10-3 15:37
When I was working in the library, sometimes, I cannot tell if a patron is a man or woman. Usually it is not the case that he/she is too pretty. They may be the patients of having unbalanced Hormone. Then I will try to only address them by "Good morning! how are you doing?" instead of "Sir, may I help you?" etc.
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2007-10-8 13:58
海雨 9 分!
我也碰到过这种事,一次电话里雌雄莫辨,竟然冒失发问:Are you a male or
female?对方答道:I am a female。言毕就挂断了电话,估计气得半疯 
作者: 金凤 时间: 2007-10-8 22:54

作者: searain 时间: 2007-10-9 00:37
They still have men's hands and feet.
作者: 冬雪儿 时间: 2007-10-9 11:25
Originally posted by thesunlover at 2007-10-3 06:35 PM:
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