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标题: Do you believe it or not? [打印本页]

作者: xzhao2     时间: 2007-4-25 14:14     标题: Do you believe it or not?

DOW set record for above 13,000.

From 12,000 to 13,000, DOW in 127 trade days, little more than 6 M.

All of 30 DOW higher today.

DOW Utility & DOW trans. reached record high, too.

NASDAQ reached 6 Y high.

What a great news!
作者: thesunlover     时间: 2007-4-25 15:09
Yeap. The market is insane, more or less. I have little to complain about it, but sold my longs in these days and keep my shorts until the beginning of this summer.

Have you heard of the steps of May?
作者: 三川     时间: 2007-4-25 16:55
Whatever you said I believe though that's all Greek to me.
作者: thesunlover     时间: 2007-4-27 13:52


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