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标题: 北美五大湖 (Great Lakes) [打印本页]

作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-29 11:52     标题: 北美五大湖 (Great Lakes)

北美五大湖 (Great Lakes)




  湖水主要靠降水补给,并接纳许多小河,水量丰富,安大略湖入圣劳伦斯河处年均流量6640立方米/秒。夏季水位较高,冬末春初较低。夏季湖面水温16~21℃ ,冬季0℃以下,结冰期4个多月。五大湖对周围湖区气候具有明显调节作用,使其温和湿润,无霜期长,有利于农业。农、林、果、渔均很发达,为北美洲内陆渔业主要集中区,主产湖鳟、白鱼、湖鲱等。

  五大湖湖区矿产资源丰富,有煤、铁、铜、石灰石等。富水力资源,水电站集中于圣玛丽斯、尼亚加拉等河上,发电能力800万千瓦。航运价值大,运河又多,为北美洲最大船运系统和世界最大国际内陆航运系统之一。以货运为主,东运物资以铁矿石、农牧产品、木材为主;西运以煤、石油、工业品为主。主要港口有美国的德卢斯、芝加哥、底特律 、克利夫兰等和加拿大的桑德贝、哈密尔顿、苏圣玛丽、多伦多等。五大湖为著名旅游胜地。加、美两国均辟有国家公园和避暑营地,每年有数以百万计的旅客来此旅游度假。
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作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-29 11:56
大湖(Great Lakes)位于加拿大与美国交界处,按面积从大到小分别为:苏必利尔湖、休伦湖、密歇根湖、伊利湖和安大略湖。除密歇根湖属于美国之外,其它四湖为加拿大和美国共有。









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作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-30 12:01
Oswego History

     Oswego boasts a heritage that stretches back beyond written history. Indians, of course, lived in the area for several thousand years, possibly as long ago as 7,000 B.C., following the retreat of the last glacier. The Iroquois represented the final period of Indian culture, migrating here from the Mississippi River region in the 13th and 14th centuries.

    October, 1615 marked the beginning of recorded history with the arrival of the first European, Samuel de Champlain. The British and Dutch established a settlement at Oswego in 1722 to facilitate fur trade with the Indians. During the French and Indian War era, five local forts were built to protect the British supply route from Albany to Oswego. Three of these (Forts George, Oswego, and Ontario) were located within the present city limits.

     In 1796, a full 12 years after the conclusion of the American Revolution, the British withdrew from Fort Ontario and, finally, settlers from New England and eastern New York immigrated into Oswego. Fort Ontario fell to the British in 1814 but, with the coming of peace and with the political support of the newly created Oswego County (1816), Oswegonians moved to build roads and bridges and to improve the navigation of the river. The Oswego branch of the Erie Canal opened in 1829 and, from the 1830's to the 1870's, Oswego boomed. By shipping flour, grain, lumber, iron, salt, and cornstarch both by canal and rail, businessmen flourished. Evidence of the wealth of Oswego's past can still be seen today in the many stately historic homes that grace our city.

    Today, throughout the county, 19th and 20th century buildings, cemeteries, bridges, canal locks, railroad and numerous other man-made structures give us a glimpse into our rich history. Oswego is also blessed to have several fine museums that allow us to relive many aspects of the city's past. The County Historical society's Richardson Bates House Museum is the meticulously preserved residence of one of the city's powerful businessmen, the John D. Murray Firefighters Museum tracks the City's over 200 years of firefighting history, the H. Lee White Marine Museum highlights the history of Oswego's inseparable link to the sea, and at The New York State Historic Site Fort Ontario, costumed interpreters recreate the lives of the officers, men, and civilians at the Fort from 1868-9.
作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-30 12:12
Oswego River Basin
What is the Oswego River Basin?
The Oswego River Basin is located in Central New York. It encompasses the Erie Canal from Macedon to Rome and the Cayuga-Seneca and Oswego Canals. It drains a total area of 5,122 square miles into Lake Ontario. The area of the basin is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

Who is responsible for maintaining water levels of the Canal System within the Oswego River Basin?
The Canal Corporation's Syracuse Division Canal Office is responsible for maintaining water levels of the Canal System within the Oswego River Basin for navigational purposes.

Does the Canal Corporation try to minimize flood damage?
Lake-level regulation efforts are aimed at minimizing flood damage within the entire Oswego River Basin. Typically, following the navigation season, the system's water levels are lowered to provide storage for spring snowmelt and storm runoff. Prior to navigation season, water levels are raised gradually to predetermined safe levels for summer use. In the summer, levels are regulated to provide reserve capacity sufficient to contain moderate runoff. Seasonal lake levels and other important factors such as maximum and minimum navigation levels are indicated on graphs called "rule curves" that depict ideal levels for each lake.

Rule curves are the historical compromise for water level management that have been established to balance competing interests for target water levels. The rule curve process starts by establishing the top and bottom of the curves (highest tolerable level, lowest tolerable level) to avoid at all costs severe flooding or severe drought conditions. Within that range, navigation levels and municipal water supply are given the highest priorities to ensure a stable, reliable water supply throughout low water summer months. Critical habitat concerns also drive target levels toward the high side of the range to ensure against damage to delicate natural resources.

In order to avoid floods, demand for high levels must be balanced against the effects on property owners. Typically, floods are brought on by:

Rapid spring snowmelt/runoff
Heavy spring rains/heavy runoff
Heavy fall rains before the winter freeze.
To deal with these acts of nature, water levels are raised/lowered within tolerable limits by season.

FALL – At the close of the navigation season, water levels are drawn down for storage capacity anticipating spring runoff.
WINTER – The lowest water level on the system can be achieved mindful of water supply needs.
SPRING – Storage capacity is maintained as long as possible to accept heavy runoffs, but gradual system increases must be undertaken to ensure target levels are reached for summer low water condition needs.
SUMMER – Competing needs must be balanced with the available water supply.
For additional information on water management of the NYS Canal System contact: Syracuse Division Canal Office, Water Management (315) 437-2741.
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作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-30 15:41
作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-30 15:45
坐在桌旁 , 从兜里掏出一片红叶 , 放在手心 , 细细地看 , 那丝丝叶脉又将我牵回了美丽如画的五指湖区 …

传说中 , 在很久很久以前 , 造物主来到了今天美国纽约州的西北部 , 他伸开手掌 , 放在这块土地上 , 赐给了美好的祝福 , 于是就形成了纤细清秀的五指湖 . 不信 , 你从地图上看 , 象不象伸展开的手指 ?

不过 , 后来 , 经过现代科学家的研究 , 他们认为五指湖是形成于冰川时代的末期 . 常年的河流切开了冰川山谷 , 形成了今天陡峭的峡谷和细长的湖泊 . 一路上 , 我们确实到处可以遇见急流的瀑布冲击着万年的谷底岩石 , 从南往北流入五指湖 . 峡谷上 , 千年的古树长在冰川的化石中 , 顽强而茂密 .

都说五指湖的秋天最美 , 遍野的秋叶将大自然映照的如此鲜艳夺目 , 鲜艳的山峦 , 鲜艳的湖面 , 还有鲜艳的乡间小路 .

早上的湖水清澈碧蓝 , 清新的空气象晨露一样新鲜 . 深深吸一口气, 口水都是甜的. 成群的海鸥在蓝天上飞翔 , 只有这只小海鸥还停留在湖边 . 你是想告诉我们什么吗 ?

Seneca 湖畔 , 传说这是中指湖 , 浪漫的情人会来到这里求婚 , 带上订婚戒指 .

温和的湖畔温度和特别的冰川土壤 , 是葡萄生长的理想环境 . 沿湖两岸 , 有 90 多家酒厂和他们的葡萄园 . 新一代的酒商 , 培植出法国和美国嫁接的葡萄品种 , 酿出的美酒已成为白宫国宴的名酒 . 来往的游客可以花上 1 美元买五小杯不同的名酒 , 坐在外面慢慢品尝 , 看着湖水 , 葡萄藤 , 和游戏的小孩儿 …

Taughannock 是印地安语 , 意思是在丛林中 . Taughannock 瀑布是北美最高的瀑布 , 已经有至少一万两千年的历史了 , 在历史的前面 , 我照到了彩虹 .

除了水气腾腾的大瀑布 , 峡谷两旁的小路上 , 还有许多这样的小盆景 .

随风飘落的秋叶 , 缓缓地回到了根的怀抱 . 他终于完成了自己的使命 , 回到泥土里 , 孕育着新一代的到来 . 一年又一年 , 万年的历史就在这一代又一代的生命中延续着 .

黄昏时分 , 夕阳照在多彩的湖面上 , 太阳缓缓地滑下山丘 .

傍晚 , 坐在湖边 , 林中小屋的凉台上 , 听着湖声 , 鸟声和风声 , 竟想起了小时候特别爱听的一个个森林童话故事 , 整个身心都融进了大自然 .

走出五指湖 , 又回到了我原来的生活里 , 赶路 , 上班 , 挣钱 . 外表的生活一点没有变 , 可心情却轻松了许多 ---- 一切都顺其自然吧 .

把红叶放在像框里 , 摆在窗头 , 晚上看着它 , 好象又听到了大自然的召唤 , 一遍又一遍 .
作者: weili     时间: 2007-3-30 15:54

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