标题: 饭堂英语(1):英语写作中部分常见病例(三之二) [打印本页]
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 09:14 标题: 饭堂英语(1):英语写作中部分常见病例(三之二)
11. Either…or (the same applies to “Neither…nor”):
当这对词作连接词用时, 它们所连接的词, 短语及从句, 必须在结构上是平行或对等的.
错: The experiment can either be performed with hydrogen or with oxygen.
对: The experiment can be performed with either hydrogen or oxygen.
顺便指出, 这种结构上的平行 (parallel structure) 在either 或neither作副词用时, 同样值得注意, 例如:
Bill Clinton did not serve during the Vietnam War; neither did George W. Bush.
或: Bill Clinton did not serve during the Vietnam War, and George W. Bush did not, either.
12. Fewer / Less:
Fewer: 用在可数名词 (accountable nouns) 前, e.g., fewer than four players.
Less: 一般用在不可数名词(uncountable nouns)前, e.g., less paper.
1. 在有关时间, 金额, 距离的复数名词前, 需用 less than (You can use “less than” before a plural noun that denotes a measure of time, amount, or distance):
e.g., less than three weeks; less than $40; less than 50 miles.
2. 在表达 no less than 或 or less 时, 有时也用在复数名词前 (You can sometimes use less with plural nouns in the expressions “no less than” and “or less”):
e.g., no less than 30 of his colleagues, 但是: 30, or fewer, of his colleagues;
in 25 words or less, 但是: in 25, or fewer, words.
13. Got / Gotten:
当上面二词作过去分词用时, 通常没有区别. 但请注意下列情形下的细微而重要的区别:
Got----current possession: e.g., I haven’t got any money. (= I’m broke.) 我穷得叮噹响.
Gotten----the process of obtaining: e.g., I haven’t gotten any money. (=I haven’t been paid for my efforts.) 我被打了白条 (得找温总理帮忙!).
记住: 若想表达 “不得已” 或 “不得不” 时, 只能用 got (Remember that only “got” can be used to express obligation):
e.g., I have got to go to Beijing. (=I have no choice, and I MUST go to Beijing.) 我 (不) 得 (不) 去北京.
I have gotten to go to Beijing. (= I have had the opportunity or permission to go.) 我能去北京了.
14. Historic / Historical:
这对词既有不同的用法又有意思重叠的时候, 请仔细比较以下的例子:
Historic----of sufficient importance that it’s likely to become famous in history, e.g., a historic house; a historic event; the historic first voyage to the Moon…
Historical----having to do with history, whether regarded as important or not, e.g., a historical novel; historical discoveries; historical geology…
But: these are often used interchangeably: historic times = historical times.
另外, The Chengjiang Fauna is both a historic and a prehistorical discovery.
The Cultural Revolution is both a historic and a historical event.
下面是 geologic/geological 的常见搭配词:
geologic data, age, column, hazard, history, map, range, time scale, unit, etc.,
geological era, horizon, time, time table, etc.,
比较: geologic investigation or survey;
geological organization, survey, or society.
瞧, 语法这玩艺儿, 真有点象夫妻吵架, 有时讲理, 有时则无理可讲, 你得摸透他(她)的秉性才成; 说文绉绉一些, 这就叫 “语感”!
15. If / Whether:
如果你想问 “是否” 的话, 最好用 whether 而莫用 if, 后者有时会引起误会.
In informal writing, both are standard for introducing a clause indicating uncertainty after a verb such as “ask”, “doubt”, “know”, “learn”, or “see”:
e.g., We shall soon learn whether (or if) it is true.
( But “if” can sometimes create ambiguities; for example, if it is not true, we may not learn). Therefore,
Poor: Let her know if she is invited.
Better: Let her know whether she is invited.
Or: If she is invited, let her know.
16. Judging / Judged:
垂悬分词 (dangling participle) 是指分词短语修饰主句时, 分词动作的执行者不是主语. 下述错误在英语科技刊物中俯拾即是:
错: Judging by present standards, these trees are considered suitable to the environment. (those “trees” cannot possibly be judging!)
对: These trees, judged by present standards, are considered suitable to the environment.
17. Kind of / Sort of:
Refer to a class or type of things:
e.g., a special kind of metal…
“He is the kind of man who picks his friends—to pieces.” (Mae West)
What sort of book do you want?
Do not use them to mean “rather”, “somewhat”, or “somehow”:
Poor: It was kind of a bad year for the firm.
Better: It was a rather bad year for the firm.
18. Lay / Lie:
这对词除了有词义相似之处, 还有 lie 的过去式与 lay 同形, 这就使它们间极
易混淆. 请仔细比较下述各例, 分清异同:
Lay = to put, place; prepare
Lie = to recline; be situated
Lay (laid, laid, laying) is a transitive verb (v. t.) and takes an object: e.g.,
She lays down her pen and stands up.
He laid (not lay) the book on the table.
The table was laid for four.
Lie (lay, lain, lying) is an intransitive verb (v. i.): e.g.,
She often lies (not lays) down after lunch.
When I lay (not laid) down, I fell asleep.
The rubbish had lain (not laid) there a week.
I was lying (not laying) in bed when he called.
19. Meantime / Meanwhile:
Meantime is more common than meanwhile as a noun:
e.g., In the meantime we waited.
As an adverb, meantime is less common than meanwhile:
e.g., Meanwhile we waited.
20. Nonsexist language:
美国民权运动以来, 出现了 “政治上正确” (politically correct) 这一新词, 意思是说人们言行中不能表现出任何形式的歧视, 无论是性别的, 种族的或 年龄的. 然而,传统的所谓 “标准英语” (King’s English) 中, 通常用男 (雄) 性的词汇来代表普通词汇, 如: 用man 代表 humans, human beings, mankind, human species, people, humanity, etc. 这显然有性别歧视之嫌, 我们一定要注意避免. 另外, 由于作者稍不当心, 有时还会引起令人啼笑皆非的歧义, 如同我在本文开头时所举的男女不分的例子. 下面这一实例更让人喷饭! (提示: 在英语中 “直立” 与 “勃起” 是同一个词: erect):
The central issue in man’s evolution was bipedalism. When man thrust himself erect, he became Homo erectus: for he discovered front-to-front copulation. And woman in her turn was rewarded by orgasm, unknown to all other species. (Cited in Frank and Treichler, 1989, Language, Gender, and Professional Writing. New York: Modern Language Association, p.189.)
21. Not……because:
当由 because 连接的原因从句前的主句为否定句式时, 实际被否定的是从句而非主句, 例如:
She did not get elected into the committee because she was outspoken (= She got elected into the committee, not because she was outspoken).
如果想否定主句, 必须在 because 前加上逗号:
She did not get elected into the committee, because she was outspoken.
Or better: Because she was outspoken, she did not get elected into the committee.
22. Numbers / Numerals:
Using words for numbers zero through nine, and numerals for larger whole numbers:
e.g., Seven seedlings, 15 flower petals, 247 bees.
Using numerals when presenting %, decimals, magnifications and abbreviated units of measurement:
e.g., 25%, 1.5 times greater, 15× magnification, 0.7 g, 18 ml.
But: When using a series of numbers at least one of which is greater than 9, use numerals for all:
e.g., We add 6 drops to first cup, 9 to the second, and 12 to the third.
23. On / Onto / On to:
On, onto 及 on to 中的 to 均为前置词, 而 on to 中的 on 则为副词. 例如:
The cat jumped on the table. 猫在桌子上跳.
The cat jumped onto the table. 猫跳上了桌子.
He wandered onto the battlefield. 他误入战地.
He wandered on the battlefield. 他在战场上转悠.
On to: on 是副词:
Let’s move on to another subject.
We want to hold on to our gains.
24. Proved / Proven:
这对词作为动词 prove 的过去分词, 通常没有区别. 例如:
She has proved (OR: proven) her point.
But when used as an adjective before a noun, proven is now the more common word:
e.g., He is a proven talent in arbitrage. 他是套汇的行家.
25. Provided / Providing:
In the past, some critics have maintained that “provided” is preferable to “providing” as a conjunction meaning “on condition that.” But no longer!
e.g., You will receive a bonus provided (OR: “provided that”, “providing”, “providing that”) you finish the work on time.
作者: 简杨 时间: 2006-8-1 09:31
前天碰见了一位老人,她属于二战的WAR BRIDE。在伦敦学过FINE ARTS。英语说得相当有特点。我们谈了半天“语言”问题。她说语言是一个人修养/教育/背景/个性的体现。
作者: 八十一子 时间: 2006-8-1 09:57
提到‘非性别歧视’语言,我觉得有些为了强调男女平等而生造的词,例如'chairwoman", 显得很荒唐。当我在大会发言时,如果主席是位女性,我就说 'Madam Chairman', 她们都很乐意这个称呼。设想一下 'Madam Chairwoman', 那是要多难听有多难听。
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 10:09
Originally posted by 八十一子 at 2006-8-1 02:57 PM:
提到‘非性别歧视’语言,我觉得有些为了强调男女平等而生造的词,例如'chairwoman", 显得很荒唐。当我在大会发言时,如果主席是位女性,我就说 'Madam Chairman', 她们都很乐意这个称呼。设想一下 'Madam C..
巧极了,我向外宾介绍邓楠时,称她'Madam Chairman' (她是科协副主席、党组书记),她笑得像邓小平似的。
作者: xzhao2 时间: 2006-8-1 10:51
难成仙佛 - 为爱文章又恋花。
作者: wxll 时间: 2006-8-1 11:00
one question:
Do "I don't think she is right" and "I think she is not right" mean the same thing? Which way of saying is better? Thanks!
作者: 独善斋主 时间: 2006-8-1 11:07
说到Nonsexist language,
pliceman --> plice officer
fireman --> fire fighter
hooker --> sex service provider
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 11:18
Originally posted by 独善斋主 at 2006-8-1 04:07 PM:
说到Nonsexist language,
pliceman --> plice officer
fireman --> fire fighter
hooker --> sex service provider
house wife-->domestic engineer
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 11:21
Originally posted by wxll at 2006-8-1 04:00 PM:
one question:
Do "I don't think she is right" and "I think she is not right" mean the same thing? Which way of saying is better? Thanks!
The latter expression is stronger. I'd use the former, unless you really despise her.
作者: 独善斋主 时间: 2006-8-1 11:23
??? house wife-->domestic engineer
house wife-->domestic manager
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 11:24
Originally posted by 独善斋主 at 2006-8-1 04:23 PM:
??? house wife-->domestic engineer
house wife-->domestic manager
Bedroom CEO!
作者: 独善斋主 时间: 2006-8-1 11:28
Bedroom UFO!
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-8-1 11:32
Originally posted by 独善斋主 at 2006-8-1 04:28 PM:
Bedroom UFO!
作者: 三川 时间: 2006-8-1 11:59
作者: 杜欣欣 时间: 2006-8-1 12:05
作者: 独善斋主 时间: 2006-8-1 12:09
作者: 廖康 时间: 2006-8-1 12:13
Lay 和 Lie 这两个词,美国人也常用错。我曾为公司写过一篇小文,抄在下面:
To Lay down or to Lie down
We hear people say, "I'll lay down" or "I'll lie down." Which is right? These two irregular verbs are very difficult to use correctly, even for native speakers of English, because the past tense of "lie" is "lay," which has helped "to lay down," originally a mistake, become an expression that has been widely accepted in colloquial American English, just like the idiom “to lay low.”
"Lay" (laid, laid, laying) means to "put, place” or "prepare" and is usually a transitive verb. As such, it takes an object; for instance, to lay a baby in the crib, to lay eggs, to lay an ear to the door, to lay the table for dinner, to lay the blame on somebody, to lay a plan, to lay a penalty on the offender, to lay a case before the grand jury, or to lay claim to the estate. See The American Heritage Dictionary for more examples.
"Lie" (lay, lain, lying) means to "recline" or "be situated." It is an intransitive verb, which means it does not take an object; for instance, She often lies down after lunch. The garbage has lain there for two weeks. His motive has been lying hidden. The ocean lies to the west of the mountain. Remember that in to lie down, “down” is an adverbial, not an object. As if this is not complicated enough, the forms of this verb can be easily confused with the regular form (lied) when "lie" means to "give a false statement deliberately."
Perhaps the popular song "A Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel can help us remember the meaning of "lay" and that it is a transitive verb. In the refrain "Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down" the verb "lay" means to place, and "me" is the object. "To lay me down" here suggests placing himself down in the water metaphorically for a person to walk over. That is not as comfortable as to "lie down."
作者: fancao 时间: 2006-8-1 22:58
Originally posted by
尚能饭 at 2006-8-1 08:09 AM:
巧极了,我向外宾介绍邓楠时,称她'Madam Chairman' (她是科协副主席、党组书记),她笑得像邓小平似的。
作者: 杜欣欣 时间: 2006-8-2 21:53
喜欢Simon and Garfunkel的歌,Feelin' Groovy正好用在老尚的online course.
"Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy."
Originally posted by 廖康 at 2006-8-1 05:13 PM:
Lay 和 Lie 这两个词,美国人也常用错。我曾为公司写过一篇小文,抄在下面:
To Lay down or to Lie down
We hear people say, "I'll lay down" or "I'll lie down." Which is right? ..
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