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标题: ZT: James Cameron's Avatar [打印本页]

作者: 晨思     时间: 2010-1-2 01:30     标题: ZT: James Cameron's Avatar

James Cameron's Avatar delivers a powerful message of connectedness with Mother Nature

If you see just one film this holiday season (or even this year), make it James Cameron's Avatar. It's a powerful, inspiring film that demonstrates movie-making at its best, and it delivers a crucial message for our time: That all living beings are connected and that those who seek to exploit nature rather than respect it will only destroy themselves.

Much of the press about Avatar has focused on the special effects, the motion capture and the 3-D presentation. These are modern filmmaking marvels, for certain, but the film succeeds for a far more important reason: Its story -- and its message. Others have reviewed the film in a more critical light; notably Alex Jones who sees it as more of a propaganda piece ( But I see the film differently, and I think it carries a strong, positive message. (Spoiler alert: This article discusses some of the plot elements of the film.)

With Avatar, Cameron has delivered a fast-paced fantasy adventure that weaves together a stream of powerful themes that are so important to our modern world that they extend far beyond the world of fictional film: Issues like corporations destroying nature for profit, the lack of respect for living creatures, and the failed policies of "military diplomacy" that the USA continues to pursue. The themes in Avatar reflect the greatest challenges of our modern world, and the message of Avatar is both deeply moving and highly relevant to the future of human civilization.

Not many who view Avatar will understand all this, of course. To the younger crowd, Avatar is simply a cool action-adventure film with a compelling love story that makes it a great date flick. But to those who've been around on this planet a little longer, the story of Avatar is a far important story of good versus evil, war versus peace, destruction versus healing and isolationism versus interconnectedness. This depth of sensitivity to life is rare to find in any film these days, much less a blockbuster feature film, but that's what makes Avatar so truly remarkable: It speaks to viewers at many different levels, intertwining the core themes of human mythology in an extremely tight, fast-paced screenplay that doesn't let a second go to waste.

That's classic James Cameron, of course: Cutting scenes, dialog and seconds out of the film until it becomes a polished, tightly-presented story that transports you into the on-screen world and doesn't let go of you until the credits roll. It's an emotional story, too. Much like Titanic, Avatar convincingly pulls you into the minds and hearts of the key characters, delivering an authentic emotional connection with the on-screen characters even though their skin is blue.


The overriding theme of Avatar is one of western Colonialism, where western nations use their military might to invade lesser developed countries, terrorize their people and pillage their lands for valuable natural resources.

And yet these acts of military imperialism are always justified by the imperialists. As the top military commander says in the film in response to the natives resisting their lands being pillages, "We'll fight terror with terror!"

It remains the standard operating procedure of any military imperialist nation: Invade whatever country you wish, and if the locals fight back, condemn them as terrorists and use that as an excuse to turn up the heat with even more bombs and weapons.

Gaia and the interconnectedness of nature

One of the more interesting elements in Avatar is the neural connection fibers that each living creature is born with on the planet. Animals, humanoids and even the trees have these neural connection fibers, allowing all living creatures to "plug in" to each other's neural networks. Once connected, they can feel each other's emotions and thoughts. They are, in essence, operating as one single being with expanded sensory awareness.

作者: 晨思     时间: 2010-1-2 01:31
just watched 'Avatar', a beautiful and powerful movie.
作者: lucy     时间: 2010-1-2 01:41

Originally posted by 晨思 at 2010-1-1 11:31 PM:
just watched 'Avatar', a beautiful and powerful movie.

我也看了。 还专门看的IMAX加3D的。 电影完后, 全场的观众鼓掌。。。很是感动。
作者: 晨思     时间: 2010-1-2 02:01

At Comic Con 2009, Cameron added that "the Na'vi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are" and that even though there are good humans within the film, the humans "represent what we know to be the parts of ourselves that are trashing our world and maybe condemning ourselves to a grim future".

The movie is also about peace, from a filmmaker who admits to paramilitary impulses. Cameron acknowledged that the film implicitly criticizes America's War in Iraq and the impersonal nature of mechanized warfare in general. In reference to the use of the term "shock and awe" in the film, Cameron stated, "We know what it feels like to launch the missiles. We don't know what it feels like for them to land on our home soil, not in America." A scene in the film portrays the violent destruction of the Na'vi Hometree, which collapses in flames after a missile attack, coating the landscape with ash and floating embers. When asked about the scene's visual resemblance to the events of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Cameron said he had been "surprised at how much it did look like September 11".
作者: 忍忍     时间: 2010-1-2 11:32

Originally posted by 晨思 at 2010-1-2 01:30:
James Cameron's Avatar delivers a powerful message of connectedness with Mother Nature

If you see just one film this holiday season (or even this year), make it James Cameron's Avatar. It's a po..


年前领着孩子去看了,是3D。Visual Effects 是很能打动人的。

“It speaks to viewers at many different levels, intertwining the core themes of human mythology in an extremely tight, fast-paced screenplay that doesn't let a second go to waste.”


James Cameron (Titanic) 的风格----大场面。俺喜欢前面浪漫的那部分,后面打仗有点俗,可能是照顾不同层次上的观众。不过总体还可以--各取所需。

把MOTHER NATURE 毁给大家看,也是很残忍的。I do get the message.

作者: 晨思     时间: 2010-1-2 12:00
作者: 忍忍     时间: 2010-1-2 12:09

Originally posted by 晨思 at 2010-1-2 12:00:



Totally agree. I was smitten with it (昏头转向,如醉如痴  )。


HOLLY 电影商业化太多,英国电影仍能单纯从讲故事出发,很少渲染。俺还很喜欢英国的贵族电影,有那个味道,不庸俗。庸俗是俺头号的敌人。

作者: 虔谦     时间: 2010-1-2 12:24
晨思好! 好象听我孩子们提过说好过. 我得去CHECK IT OUT. 新年好!
作者: 晨思     时间: 2010-1-2 15:59


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