网友CT给老方设想了种种可能: 老方现在怎么敢把它扔掉? His finger prints are all over the place. He is on the hook. 设想,假如他扔掉,日后,别人拾起,交予警察, FBI 技术科断定 the package was related to a murder case。结果是,轻者,police knock Lao Fang’s door, take him under custody as a murder suspect for up to 72 hours in a jail cell, then Lao Fang gets arraigned in the court, formally charged, waiting for sentencing in jail without bail due to flight risks, … 老方后悔不已,不停自责,感叹“WTF?”; 当然,另一个scenario 是,重者,one day, police/SWAT team and gangsters show up at Lao Fang’s door at the same time, 两帮一顿火拼,老方站着,躺着,坐着,蹲着,趴着,猫着腰,撅着腚都得中枪,躲都躲不掉,逃也逃不走。Why the hell did you even pick it up?! Curiosity drove you to think it’s a bag filled with cash?
6. 我查了Salinas警察局的网站,发现他们有个网上报案系统,里边有Lost property 一项,但是是失主挂失用的,没有报告 found property的。 还特别注明, 丢失东西不算被窃。 那么按照这个逻辑,捡到东西也不算偷窃了。哈哈。我可以利用这个报告这个手机,但是一看那个表格,我的个人隐私都得填写进去,烦不烦。在美国,离警察越远越好。
后来我发现他们有个网上一般表格, 就报告了:
I live in Seaside and in a trash bag I found a female bag containing 2 receipts, some side combs, and a powerless cellphone with broken face. I charged it up and found it worked. I put a lost and found ad on craigslist and heard no reply. I contacted some incoming call from the caller id but it was Salinas Urology and they did not offer any info. The only way to trace the owner is from the last 4 digits of debit card used at Salinas Rite Aid on 2/23/2921, at 7:08am. From the store record maybe the bank card info can be retrieved and the bank can tell who the owner is. I believe you police has the power to do so. Here is the last 4 digits of the debit card: x x x x. If you find the owner, please email me.