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标题: 热爱前线工作之:提高交流技术 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-11 21:51     标题: 热爱前线工作之:提高交流技术


Tips for communicating with the person with aphasia

1) Do not exclude the person from social contact.
2) Speak to the person naturally.
3) Speak to the person as an adult.
4. Minimize background noise another distractions.
5 Make sure your nonverbal communication shows that you are listening.
(make eye contact, do not do other tasks when the person is speaking to you, and listen actively.)
6) Be sensitive to the person's nonverbal communication. Learn what the facial expressions and gestures mean.
7. Find out what communication is reliable and use it.
8. Encourage social communication. The language associated with greetings and other frequently used social behaviours may be more easily picked up  by the person.
9. Use short sentences that highlight the key words.
10. Speak slowly and pause between sentences.
11. Give the person time to respond to statements.
12. If the person has difficulty understanding, rephrase your sentences or use other words that mean the same thing.
13. Be creative in your attempts to understand the person's language.
14. If you cannot figure out what the person means, try changing the subject for a bit.
15. Don't show concern about the person's speech.
16. Do not force the person to speak in front of others.
17.Support the person's efforts to speak.

Compensating for vision changes.
1. Don't stand in front of a bright source of light when speaking to a person.
2. Stand so that the person can see you.
3. Tell the person where you are and what you are doing.
4. Be specific in your communication.
5. Let the person know if you leave the room.
6. Use large type (or write in large letters)When writing information.
7. Avoid decorative fonts, all capital letters, or underlining information.

Compensating for hearing changes  与听力有衰退的病人交流时的补救办法
1. If the person uses a hearing aid, make sure that it is in place and working properly.
2. Make sure the person is wearing his or her glasses, if needed.
3. Use notes or sign language.
4. Avoid shouting.
5. Speak using your face, your hands, and your eyes.
6. Stand or sit where your face can be easily seen.
7. Be sure that you have the listeners' attention.
8. When you speak, don't chew gum, smoke, or put your had over your mouth.
9. Move away from background noise (such as an air conditioner, television, or a crowded room.)
10. If you are not understood, rephrase your statement using different words. (for example, substituting a phrase like "false teeth" for the word "dentures" may make it easier for the person to understand.
11. Be positive. Have patience.
12. Bear in mind that an ill or tired person will not hear as well as he or she might when rested or well.
13. Lower the pitch of your voice, but keep the volume up. Experiment with different volumes and different tones.
14. Vary your position relative to the person. Some people hear better when the sound comes from a particular directions.
15. Decrease your rate of speech.
16. Avoid words with double consonant if you can.
17. Learn and use sign language.

Compensating for changes in touch sensitivity 与触觉衰退的病人交流时的补救办法

1. Make use of opportunities for touch. A handshake, hug, walking arm in arm, and gentle rubbing of arms or shoulders are ways of communicating by touch. Be careful thought, not to force touch on a person who does not want it. We all vary in the amount of touch that we need.
2. Use touch to get the person's attention. A brief touch on the arm will let the person know where you are.
3. Let your touch linger for a moment. A quick, gentle pat on the hand may be fine for a teen, but an older person may not realize you have even touched him or her.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-11 22:17

附件 1 : My works.png (2016-6-11 22:22, 470.56 K )

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-12 22:52

或许我对金钱真的厌倦了,上辈子整天对着那么多钱,眼睛都会变绿。现在对银行工作一点兴趣都没有, 觉得应该做一份有意义的工作,所以选择现在的工作。
附件 1 : 前世是银行家.png (2016-6-12 22:53, 600.24 K )

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-6-12 23:36


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