标题: 徐英才:【英译唐宋八大家散文精选】 [打印本页]
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-18 10:25 标题: 散文英译系列:双生日,斯人獨憔悴+貓頭鷹詩
民一〇三·一二·一七 堤岸
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-18 10:34
Double Birthday
“Rose said that we should go to eat at Cherry's Restaurant this year to celebrate Sun's birthday ." My wife said to me a week before, " Rose said that we haven't eaten out in more than 10 years, so she really wanted to have Vietnamese food on Taiyang's birthday!"
"Great!" I said immediately, "We should pig out for sure!"
So I got up at four o'clock this morning. I washed my face in a hurry, rushed to the bus stop, and caught the bus heading toward Longan at four thirty. I knocked on Rose's door at five thirty,
"Sai Qing(Rose), open the door."
"Grandpa is here!"
I heard a soft and crisp voice. That was MeiFeng. Usually she slept in till seven o'clock in the morning, but on Sundays, almost every time when I knocked on the door I heard that cheerful voice answering the door. Each time when I went to see her, I bought her some treats, such as cow horn breads, coconut breads, and so on. MeiFeng was not a greedy piglet, she'd rather have toys instead. From Australia, Sai Ye once brought her a locomotive made of plastic, and she enjoyed it very much. Sai Ye brought her a big doll as well, so she hugged it and coaxed it, as if she was a little mother playing with her baby.
Rose deliberately dressed MeiFeng up before we went to Cherry's Restaurant. She put makeup on her face, applied rouge on her lips, and clipped her hair with a large butterfly shaped clip, and attired her in her favorite white dress. And now carrying a small red handbag on her shoulder just made her look like a distinguished guest. The one who opened the door was my wife. I saw MeiFeng stretching in the bed and then walked toward the door, following her grandmother. At her grandmother's side, this little girl vividly mimicked her grandmother's behavior in any way she could.I stepped forward to hug her. She flushed with smiles.
At Cherry's Restaurant, Taiyang was the one who ordered the food. He was rather familiar with dishes on the menu as he had been there for several times with friends. He ordered four deep-fried beef cutlets and an eel-pot. My wife and I, my daughter Rose and her newly married husband Chengcai, my son Taiyang and my granddaughter Meifeng, all sat at a round table. Rose sat next to Meifeng who had always called her aunt Rose mother, and Rose gave her niece who she had treated as her own daughter an intimate nickname: Popo. Meifeng now had become the central figure of the party. She sat on the high chair, grabbing her bowl and chopsticks as if she was a grown-up, and slowly she ate.
"How come Popo can handle chopsticks that skillfully?"
Looking at her laid-back and natural looks, Chengcai asked Rose in a low voice. Because by three years of age, many children still can't use a spoon easily Chengcai also amazed by the way she talked. He wondered how she could talk with her grandmother with such long sentences in one breath.
I looked at Meifeng and all of a sudden, a great sadness filled me. Sitting next to her, at that moment, should be her parents Xiaogang and Qiucao, but neither her father nor mother was around. Qiucao didn't live with her due to her unhappy marriage. Xiaogang died when she was only two and a half months old, leaving her alone, no longer giving her a second glance. He left the world forever!
That day, we had already had a good lunch at noon time at home before going to Cherry's. Before the meal Meifeng was busy at my wife and Rose's side----she learned to do whatever they were doing.
My wife often says,
"This little granddaughter is so cute and clever, she learns to do everything. "
When our dishes were ready on the table, Rose said,
"Get up Popo, let's go to the dining room to have your uncle's birthday meal."
"To have my daddy's birthday meal."
Meifeng corrected her Aunt Rose right away.
Her Dad's birthday dinner, Xiaogang's birthday dinner! In that morning, my wife butchered a chicken to worship Xiaogang, because it's February 28th, his birthday, and now it was also his anniversary. Rose burned some incense sticks, she then called Meifeng,
"Popo, Kneel down, quick, and worship to your dad. It is your dad's birthday today. "
The little girl took the incense sticks and flopped down on the floor on her knees, clasping her hands together and held the incense sticks. While looking up at Xiaogang's spirit tablet, she said,
"Dad please bless Popo to grow up fast, going to school and making money to support my grandpa, my grandma and my uncle!" All in one breath.
Before, I felt pleasure that both Xiaogang and Taiyang have the same birthday. We had been celebrating their birthdays on the same day for more than twenty years, my wife and I, Xiaogang, Rose and Taiyang, we all had enjoyed the happy hours and had gone through all the hard times, we never separated from each other. But today, Xiaogang, my hope, had left me! He left me alone in pain!
After the death of Xiaogang, I felt so hopeless and hated my life, indeed. But I have to move on, I have to be strong, and I have to give his daughter my love as much as I'd given to him!"
After the death of Xiaogang, I knew that I could never celebrate Taiyang's birthday in a happy mood, just like before. I thought that February 28th was on the western calendar, so we could change Taiyang's birthday to the lunar calendar, so as to avoid this very date for the celebration. But the Goddess of Destiny decided to give me the hard time: in the first year, the very first year after the death of Xiaogang, Xiaogang's birthday on the western calendar and Taiyang's birthday on the lunar calendar happened to fall on the same day! Because February 28th on both lunar and western calendars will fall on the exact same day every nineteen years, and Taiyang was nineteen years old this year!
Rose clipped a piece of eel and put it into Meifeng's bowl and the little girl smiled, and as she reached her hands to grab that piece of eel, she seemed to know her limitations that she had to "Do it herself ". Taiyang looked at her with a smile. She enjoyed what she had very much, but then the sadness filled me up again,
"Her father..."
In Longan, February 28th, 1993
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-18 22:58 标题: 徐英才:【英译唐宋八大家散文精选】
我刚刚学习完【英译唐宋八大家散文精选】其中的一篇,柳宗元写的【黔之驴】,翻译:徐英才先生。出版社: 外教社中国文化汉外对照丛书。
我的学习过程是这样:先读几遍英译,理解透全文。然后学习原文底下的注解, 那些注解详细解释了为什么这样译, 而不那样译。 这些解释资料对我很有帮助。 徐老师的英语很好,出国前他是复旦大学英语系的老师, 像我这样在国内应该是考不上大学的,不敢想象自己能上复旦大学。 我还打算录音,可是现在很晚了我就放弃了录音,有几个中文我需要查字典才能确定读音。 英译最后一句很好的句型,我要背下来: had it not revealed all of its capabilities, hesitation and fear would have kept the fierce tiger rom risking an attack. But such was the donkey's fate. Alas!
徐英才老师的著作《英译唐宋八大家散文精选》和《英译中国经典散文选》是在中国国家主席习近平先生今年访美期间赠送给美国林肯中学图书馆的外教教材,也是国内某名校的古典文学翻译研究生入学考试指定读物。这两本书是我经常翻阅,学习的美文翻译。 不过我很笨,学习不够认真,还得继续努力。 除了以上两本著作,徐老师的 【英译中国当代美文选(汉英对照)】是我计划要读的:http://nxtmarket.info/item/520814806971
【英译中国经典散文选(汉英对照)】链接:http://nxtmarket.info/item/520814806971 http://www.amazon.cn/%E5%9B%BE%E4%B9%A6/dp/B00MTI5CKO
【英译唐宋八大家散文精选(汉英对照)】链接: http://www.amazon.cn/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%91%E5%94%90%E5%AE%8B%E5%85%AB%E5%A4%A7%E5%AE%B6%E6%95%A3%E6%96%87%E7%B2%BE%E9%80%89/dp/B0060RVC2M
« 关闭 | 发布于:2015-09-25
SFLEP Bilingual Collection of Chinese Classical Literature是大部头、高规格、精装帧的中国古典名著精装版,从英美国家引进权威英译本以汉英对照形式在国内首次出版,目前已有《水浒传》《红楼梦》《西游记》三种。
红楼梦(汉英对照)The Story of the Stone
曹雪芹创作的《红楼梦》是中国古典小说的巅峰,霍克思和闵福德两代汉学家历时四十余年完成的英译本是翻译的至臻精品。外教社以精美的版面呈现给读者的绝代双璧,有译者最新的修订和专门撰写的前言,是英语学习和研究者必备的案头书目。 ——苏州大学 汪榕培教授
——南开大学 王宏印教授
sflep.com|By 方颖芝
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-18 23:19
。附件 1 :
IMG_20151218_222332.jpg (2015-12-18 23:21, 1.89 M )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-19 10:53
笔记: 翻译时,特别是翻译文艺作品时,既要考虑用词的准确性,还要考虑用词的Connotation,以引起丰富的联想,在需要表达多个同一概念时,还要注意用词的变化,以避免重复而显得单调。 P116
吾恐秦人食之不得下咽也--I am afraid that Qin may not have been able to swallow what it was trying to chew. 很好!
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-19 18:05
20 hrs
這樣說來,「烏鴉」是單稱的「烏」,也是「鴉」嗎?好像不是,因為辭海辭典載:「烏鴉:Corvus macrorhynchus動物名,鳥類,鳴禽類,亦單稱烏,體長一尺七八寸,嘴強直而大,色黑,體上面黑色,翼之基部暗色,腳較細,色亦黑,趾有鉤爪,多群棲近村樹林中,食穀物、果實、昆蟲等。初夏以枝葉營巢樹上而產卵,巢極陋劣。」辭海辭典也載:「烏:鳥名,亦名烏鴉。」
辭海辭典又載:「烏:動物名,corvus corone interpositas,屬鳥類,鳴禽類,為烏鴉之近似類,體形稍瘦小,嘴狹小,色黑而彎曲,眼睛 色,背灰色,翼長約尺餘,有紫綠光,腳黑,食蟲類及穀類,漿果等。」
牛津英漢辭典載:「Corvidae (corvine birds, crows)烏鴉科(烏鴉)」。梁實秋遠東英漢大辭典載:「Corvine烏鴉」;又載:「Crow烏鴉」。兩辭典均語焉不詳,爲什麽「烏鴉」英文有兩個名稱,是通稱,還是有別?
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-20 10:48
●幼時隨父母南撤至西貢 (胡志明市)
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-21 10:51
改天有时间我再仔细学习剩余的篇章。谢谢!have a good fightday! 

作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-21 22:53
徐老师的翻译追求,在《英译中国经典散文选》序 里提到:这些追求就是:准确,传神,浑然。 读徐老师翻译的书,我习惯先读英语译文,译文流畅,优美这些特质是吸引我去读中文版的原因,然后学习他的翻译风格。
本书从中国近现代散文的浩瀚星空里采撷了三十多颗璀璨的明星缀集在这里。这些散文,可谓篇篇经典,它们包括了语言朴实、笔调清新的许地山的《春的林野》;文辞活泼,形象生动的老舍的《 母鸡》;行笔如画、色彩斑斓的朱湘的《江行的晨暮》;藻思优美、充满遐想的朱自清的《荷塘月色》,还有诗情洋溢、画意盎然的徐志摩的《翡冷翠山居闲话》与何其芳的《雨前》;充满象征、深含寓意的鲁迅的《秋夜》与郭沫若的《路畔的蔷薇》;托物言志、畅抒情怀的矛盾的《白杨礼赞》与朱国良的《感悟春天》; 以及文人雅趣、浪漫天成的郁达夫的《故都的秋》与《江南的冬景》等等。阅读这些作品是一种享受,一种提高,一种升华。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-22 10:02
徐老师,你讲课解释非常棒, 你在论坛给同学们解释难点,我们非常感谢你,爱戴你。你指正我的翻译,解释难点,我非常感谢你。 而且你获得你学校同学们的很多好评。 你是受学生爱戴的优秀老师。 别理那些挑衅的语言,人在路途最重要是开心快乐。
同学们在Ratemyprofessor 上对你有很多好评
1) Xu laoshi is perhaps THE best professor at DePaul University. We love him! Anyone who says anything bad about him is an ignorant, insidious, repugnant, nefarious, contempuous moron and we will tar and feather you in a public square!
我翻译一下: 徐老師也許是DePaul 大學最棒的教授。 我們愛他! 如果有人說他的坏话,那人就是無知的,陰險的,讨厌的,邪惡的,目中无人的白癡,我们将会在他身上涂上瀝青,蓋上羽毛,让他在公共广场示众! (我只是翻译)
2)Great teacher! The class is not the easiest, but he makes things a lot better than I expected. Really couldn't ask for much more, he helps however he can, and is very nice and understanding.
3)How can you not love this man? Chn is a hard language to pick up, so you're not going to able to sleep thru this class, but he explains it extremely well. Just study and put some effort into it, and you'll do fine. Not too hard to get an A grade. Great guy!
你怎么能不爱他呢,中文是最难学的语言,这样你在课堂根本不可能打瞌睡,但他解释得绝对一流一级棒。好好努力学习吧,你会出成绩的。拿A不是很难。 好人一个!
(你的英语和人品都一级棒,一流水准。 你的著作翻译就是好,是我的翻译指导书。)
作者: fanghuzhai 时间: 2015-12-22 13:51
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-30 07:14
四十年不見,我能不立刻要見她嗎?我立刻約黃銀花來我家見面,也約徐永華初見。來我家,星期天上午八點,早餐招待。沒想到老闆級的徐永華宗親會聚會,不能赴約。幾天過去,我再約他們,多希望是一個美麗星期天。他們來了,我那首歡迎的「Beautiful Sunday」躺在光碟機裏播不出來,斷電。
民 一〇三•一二•二八 堤岸
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-30 17:11
Originally posted by fanghuzhai at 2015-12-22 13:51:
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-30 21:06
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-12-31 16:10
春節,想婆廟 作者:谢振煜 (越南) 翻译:刘 小曼 (加拿大)
The Spring Festival And Those Nostalgic Champa Temples
During the Spring Festival, I really miss those Champa Temples back home.
Those Champa temples were built on the hills in the outskirts of Nha Trang, Vietnam. With today's advanced architecture expertise, experts still can't explain the puzzle of the construction techniques of those tall and solemn temples with red clays and bricks built by Champa thousands of years ago.
My parents came from Tangshan. After settling down in Nha Trang, they sought a livelihood in a shop named Ying He Hall ran by one of my uncles. Ying He Hall was a big building with two storeys, three storefronts in total, which has been the landmark of Nha Trang, even till today. Later on, my father opened a grocery store--Quan He, deciding to put his heart into the profitable business. In 1960's, if you had never heard about Quan He, then you were not a Nha Tranger.
I grew up helping my father with his business. Our grocery shop was on the opposite side of a supermarket, providing convenience to everyone. We carried a variety of goods: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Everything you could think of for daily life usage, you could find in our shop. My father always said to his customers: who said that all the businessmen are profiteers? We Quan He made big money honestly. We were extremely busy at the of the year. Products such as candies, cookies and wine were especially in a great demand during that particular period of time. My siblings and I were around in the store doing this and that, such as wrapping products for customers.
After spring festival, stores usually chose a lucky day to open again, and some even postponed the opening day after the fifth day of January on the lunar calendar. Quan He didn't do as everyone else. We opened on the January 8th on time every year, rain or shine. On the second day of January, my parents took my siblings and me to do obeisance for blessings before goddesses at the Champa temples which are a few kilometers away from where we lived. Children were always fond of having fun. We ran and played everywhere on the hills, I then found and was charmed by inscriptions on the two stone tablets behind one of those temples, which I had no idea what they were talking about. Several decades later, after I have turned into an old man, I am still curious about what exactly those inscriptions are referring to. Finally, I learned that based on the inscriptions of Mr. Phan Thanh Giản, a Vietnamese official, a former ministry of rites, those words engraved on the two stone tablets are called Bonarga.
Champa temples and the Bonarga will always live on in my memory, plus the love from my parents, my brothers and sisters, and the love from Nha Trang.
In the West Bank, December 14th, 2013
Translator: Xiaoman
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-6 07:58
http://www.banjuan.org/hw/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=393附件 1 :
谢振煜【春香湖】.jpg (2016-1-6 07:58, 57.68 K )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-14 12:31
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-15 22:21
New Year's Eve ... LOL!! 作者: Hairball 毛球
Our pastor came to our home for New Year's Eve dinner and board games. He had lost his wife over the summer and they had no children.
Our neighbor is staying with us. She had an unfortunate issue with a used gas stove and a brother-in-law who messed up the connection. That resulted in half her kitchen being blown up and part of her garage.
She is staying with us until her home is repaired.
However, she had inherited her older brother's African Grey/parrot/buzzard creature. Her brother worked in the merchant marines, and when he passed, she got this feathered fiend.
This is the most foul-mouthed parrot I have ever seen. First of all, his name is PeckerHead. Second, he hates everyone.
Our pastor comes in, and the first thing PeckerHead says is, "What the @#$%&!! do you want?!"
He looked at PeckerHead, and replied, "Why the @#$%&!! are you asking me? Shut the @#$%&!! up!!"
Apparently no one had ever talked back to that parrot/buzzard.
We still haven't heard a word from PeckerHead.
這是我所見過的最滿嘴髒話的鸚鵡。首先,他的名字是啄木鳥頭, 其次,这家伙恨所有的人。
我們的牧師進來的时候,啄木鳥頭 說的第一句話是,“你XXX想怎样?”
牧师看著啄木鳥頭,回答說: “為什麼 @# $%&!! 你問我嗎? 閉上你的臭嘴!!"
Translator: Xiaoman
Jan. 15, 2016
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-15 23:29
我的新书“著名英诗100首汉译”共310页,选了21位top 50诗人的作品作翻译,即将在越南印刷出版。谢谢各位朋友关注和点击我的帖子,届时我会发帖报道详情,祝您周末愉快!
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-16 18:10
以下是徐老师英译的【故都的秋】读者评论。 (抱歉文章帖在只有会员才能查看的版面。 上个世纪的郁达夫先生的好文被当今徐英才先生神来之笔翻译得准确,传神,浑然(至少我是这样认为,学英语人士可中英对照地学,文法,译法解释很清楚),西方读者读后很向往去中国玩。 读者说:“。。。我總是想在秋天到中國去,現在你和你的朋友们让无法忍住不去。” 这是上世纪的文章,那时中国还木有雾霭? )
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Translation or no, this is absolutely gorgeous. What could be finer, I wonder, than declaiming to the season beneath browning shades of the Ailanthus tree? Or, oh God, stick me in the Imperial Gardens, or cut me adrift down the Grand Canal. I've always wanted to go to China in the Fall; now you and your friends have made it more unbearable.附件 1 :
故都的秋评论.png (2016-1-16 18:11, 299.69 K )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-16 19:51
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-17 16:13
Studied,增译。附件 1 :
唐宋八家英译P40 捕蛇者说.jpg (2016-1-17 16:14, 110.56 K )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-17 23:29
请路老师指导,翻译散文该看那些翻译理论指导书? 谢谢你!
具体我想问:什么时候应该减译? 因为我看见有“增译”
如果在口译里,翻译可以选择不译吗? 我意思是,如果双方吵架,相争没好话, 翻译在枪林弹雨里怎样翻译火爆的话?
作者: 徐英才 时间: 2016-1-18 09:38
按了你的link,看到writingforums上在搞 “Fiery Glow" 月赛,已经过期,不过我还是写了一首自娱。就贴在这里。
Fiery Glow
Fiery glow
Some say the sun emits
I'd say the moon does
Fiery glow has to heat
But to me the sun does nothing like that
Every time I look at the moon
My heart warms
At the thought of our first date
Jan 16, 2016
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 09:40
““茅房”即厕所。本文没有把这个“厕所”译成表示厕所的英文字bathroom,restroom等等,而译作thatched huts。这里用的是“委婉语”(euphemism)修辞法。所谓“委婉语”,就是把某东西说得好听些。比如把school说成academy,把fat说成 chubby或者plump,把homeless说成 on the streets等等。译文在这里采取委婉语是不想把枣子这种水果跟厕所联系起来,从而给读者一个不雅的联想。 ”
这个委婉语解释很好。 我原先考虑Outhouse, 但Outhouse还是厕所。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 09:47
Originally posted by 路 at 2016-1-18 09:38:
按了你的link,看到writingforums上在搞 “FieryGlow" 月赛,已经过期,不过我还是写了一首自娱。就贴在这里。
Fiery Glow
Fiery glow
Some say the sun emits
I'd say the moon does
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 11:28
Fiery Glow
帖这里: http://www.writingforums.com/threads/162921-Winter-Here?p=1953936&posted=1#post1953936
作者: 徐英才 时间: 2016-1-18 11:48
小曼, some say the sun emits 上面一行少了 Fiery glow,它是emits 的宾语。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 12:26
oh, got it. Fixed.
I feel bad for the simple mistakes I made on my work Winter Here. But I am happy now since they pointed them out although I don't agree with Ned on changing "is gone" into "has gone"
作者: 徐英才 时间: 2016-1-18 13:26
Where is it?
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 13:32
here, yours is the second last one. I think I created a new thread for your post but somehow now it is under mine. weird:
作者: 徐英才 时间: 2016-1-18 13:51
is already gone 过去分词做表语表状态,完全可以。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-18 16:45
Originally posted by 路 at 2016-1-18 13:51:
is already gone 过去分词做表语表状态,完全可以。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-30 20:43
徐英才英译【故都的秋】 评论更新(2)
1)Translation or no, this is absolutely gorgeous. What could be finer, I wonder, than declaiming to the season beneath browning shades of the Ailanthus tree? Or, oh God, stick me in the Imperial Gardens, or cut me adrift down the Grand Canal. I've always wanted to go to China in the Fall; now you and your friends have made it more unbearable.
With the autumnal theme and the beautiful style throughout, this work could well be considered a sonnet. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these observations of the authors views on autumn in both the southern and northern regions of China. China has always remained something of a mysterious entity to me. It sets there on the face of our planet, a country of billions, it's government appearing, at least to this uninformed observer, standoffish at best. A country Americans once looked upon as a threat. with their nuclear tipped missiles and the willingness to use them, if you listened to the rhetoric coming from various representatives of the Communist government. In 2016, China appears to be a contributing member of the world of nations, happy to live in peace. Eager to trade in both commodities, ideals and ideas. I would like to believe the United States along with the rest of Western civilization share the love and enjoyment of autumnal musings, autumnal blooming, if not of a botanical bent perhaps more of a human one. Love, understanding, tolerance in our interactions with other peoples whether on the global stage or one on one. We all share this tiny sphere we call earth. Our global habitation increases at unprecedented rates. What generations will at last discover our land mass cannot sustain our human populations and sustain the beasts that feed us? What generations will, with amazement and shattering surprise discover our Earth is inadequate for survival of .... cf
翻译第一句:With the autumnal theme and the beautiful style throughout, this work could well be considered a sonnet. 这个秋季的主题与优美的风格完全可以被视作为一首十四行诗般的佳作)
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-30 20:53
.附件 1 :
徐英才【故都的秋】英语读者评论2.png (2016-1-30 20:54, 80.91 K )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-30 23:02
去年春天我收到美国华裔作家虔歉女士赠书 "不能讲的故事 " 特此致谢!
阅读详情: http://www.backchina.com/blog/358517/article-242734.html#ixzz3yn7MPOgD
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 00:08
砰砰砰,砰砰砰... 我被一阵急速的敲门声和门铃声吓了一跳。这个时候会是谁呢?外面天黑了,而且风大雨大。莫非是杰西和爸爸忘记了什么东西要回头拿?我毫不犹豫地抓起走廊角落处的拖把,拖着拖把我跑到侧门去查看,我以为敲门声来自侧门。可是没看见有人,侧门却是大开着,风雨飘摇入门内。我把门关上急忙跑到正门去,并打开屋外走廊的灯。透过玻璃门我看到一个女人带着两只狗站在那里,我认出她是附近的一个居民。我松了一口气,打开门,“hi你好!”我说,那个女人说,“你好!我敲门的原因是想提醒你,你的侧门大开着呢。” 啊,这人真是好。我笑了,说:“非常感谢你! 我刚刚关上了。” 我忘了她叫什么名字, 夏天时我和她聊过两次。我名为艺高,胆子却很小。
Bang! Bang! Bang! ...! A loud and rapid series of knocks at the door and bell ring sounds at the same time really freaked me out. Who would that be at this point? It was pitch dark outside, and it rained heavily with great gust of winds. Would that be Jessie and Dad? They might forget something and now came back for it. Without hesitation I grabbed the mop at the corner of the hallway and rushed toward the side door, wanting to see who was there. I thought the knocks were from the side door, but I was wrong. I saw nobody there except the wide open door. Rain and wind swirled in furiously. I closed the door in no time and rushed to the front door. As I turned on the light for the balcony, through the glass door I saw a woman with two dogs standing in rain. I breathed a sigh of relief. I know her. ..
Jan. 28, 2016
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 01:55
徐英才英译【故都的秋】 评论更新(3)
http://www.writingforums.com/thr ... 1959355#post1959355
“Hi xiaoman, this is a really gorgeous, atmospheric piece. I really enjoy your way of showing autumn through all of the senses. I agree that a lot of Western European poets have gushed about autumn in their work. Everyone experiences the seasons differently. I enjoyed reading your experience. The lyrical prose fits the subject. It's almost like a scientific observation journal but much more poetic. ”
翻译第一句: Hi xiaoman, this is a really gorgeous, atmospheric piece 嗨小曼,这篇真是华章,是一篇有气魄的著作。附件 1 :
徐英才【故都的秋】英语读者评论3 .png (2016-1-31 01:56, 91.52 K )
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 02:06
我转来的这个三个评论,(我相信他们是英语为第一语言的人士) 都是外国读者阅读习惯的角度去评论你的译作。 谢谢你另一个贴的关于Generic Nouns的文法指导。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 03:40
我看到了,有人对你的书评论没有提出支持论据,很不负责,你应该让他/她来看看西方读者对你译文,英语表达的评论,我猜他/她应该看不懂你诗一般优美的译文(读者原话)才会写那样的话。 再次多谢你一直以来的鼓励,指导和帮助。 我刚刚接到翻译任务,是翻译小说, 将会比较忙。顺祝老师猴年新年万事如意!我去花果山找大师兄庆祝,可能晚点才回来。你保重。哈哈!:)顺便一说,今年加拿大水果蔬菜都加价,我去花果山恐怕得准备十几个shopping bags或考虑开一辆大truck.
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 11:24
(1)Translation or no, this is absolutely gorgeous. What could be finer, I wonder, than declaiming to the season beneath browning shades of the Ailanthus tree? Or, oh God, stick me in the Imperial Gardens, or cut me adrift down the Grand Canal. I've always wanted to go to China in the Fall; now you and your friends have made it more unbearable.
(2) With the autumnal theme and the beautiful style throughout, this work could well be considered a sonnet. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these observations of the authors views on autumn in both the southern and northern regions of China. China has always remained something of a mysterious entity to me. It sets there on the face of our planet, a country of billions, it's government appearing, at least to this uninformed observer, standoffish at best. A country Americans once looked upon as a threat. with their nuclear tipped missiles and the willingness to use them, if you listened to the rhetoric coming from various representatives of the Communist government. In 2016, China appears to be a contributing member of the world of nations, happy to live in peace. Eager to trade in both commodities, ideals and ideas. I would like to believe the United States along with the rest of Western civilization share the love and enjoyment of autumnal musings, autumnal blooming, if not of a botanical bent perhaps more of a human one. Love, understanding, tolerance in our interactions with other peoples whether on the global stage or one on one. We all share this tiny sphere we call earth. Our global habitation increases at unprecedented rates. What generations will at last discover our land mass cannot sustain our human populations and sustain the beasts that feed us? What generations will, with amazement and shattering surprise discover our Earth is inadequate for survival of .... cf
“Hi xiaoman, this is a really gorgeous, atmospheric piece. I really enjoy your way of showing autumn through all of the senses. I agree that a lot of Western European poets have gushed about autumn in their work. Everyone experiences the seasons differently. I enjoyed reading your experience. The lyrical prose fits the subject. It's almost like a scientific observation journal but much more poetic. ”
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 11:44
读者应该如何写评论? 我认为,无论好还是坏,你必须提出论据去支持你的论点才有说服力。譬如楼上这几位读者,他们认为译文是富有诗意的,文笔优美的好文,他们提出论点后进一步谈原因,体会,为什么享受阅读本文,譬如“ With the autumnal theme and the beautiful style throughout, this work could well be considered a sonnet. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these observations of the authors views on autumn in both the southern and northern regions of China. ”
给出不好的评论的时候,读者也得提出论据, 像这个 “菩提不做夢“在徐老师卖书栏下给出他对译文负面的体会的时候却不给出论据,是不负责任的行为:
” 2015-11-02 译注把读者基本当国内的初中生,还有些讹误,包括英文多处。 国外生活那么多年,这样的英译文,有错有生硬处(有些完全是中文思维。且译得太直),不孚众望。”
链接: http://book.douban.com/subject/26225977/
一般来说作者和译者不可能只期待好评, 但作为读者,给出负面评论的时候没有给出论据, 有打压,贬损,生怕作者的书畅销的嫌疑。
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-1-31 19:30
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-1 16:26
Clicks 点击
In order to attract clicks,
I gave my post a like.
But by the time I come back to fix,
the clicks I have are still six.
(寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚,蓦然回首仍然只是6个点击, 失望)
Feb.1, 2016
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-1 17:24
相册展示: 书目增加中
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-1 22:50
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-1 23:48
加拿大准翻译家(They call me this just for fun)刘小曼2016年2月1号荣登豆瓣:
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-2 08:07
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-2 16:03
One more good comment on Autumn in My Old Capital: 【故都的秋】另一个好评 (4):
http://www.writingforums.com/threads/162906-Autumn-in-My-Old-Capital?p=1953429#post1953429 (非会员区) 如果不是看到那个“菩提不做夢”对徐先生的书毫无根据的别有用心的恶评,我不会贴这些出来。 同样的文章,英语读者读着是享受,而那人读着是痛苦,应该与文章的行文流畅,自然,优美没有关系,是那个人的理解能力有问题然后做出不负责任的评论。附件 1 :
Autumn comment 4.png (2016-2-2 16:04, 172.37 K )
作者: 廖康 时间: 2016-2-2 16:21
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 12:23
太阳初升,普照尽, 东岸千山万壑。 古城西边, 公园旁,千尺惊魂峭壁。 鸿鹄飞渡,鸦雀羡慕, 轻舟彩霞间, 使君才气,多少波菜被卷。
江山如画无边, 早餐时候了, 面包半打。 清水一斤,然后再把大龙虾消灭。 看群鱼游, 双燕忙筑巢, 树木发芽。 松鼠生猛, 今晚应有明月。
作者: 刘小曼
Feb 3, 2016
(意象: 太阳,千山,万壑,古城,公园,峭壁,鸿鹄,鸦雀,轻舟,彩云,财气,菠菜,江山,早餐,面包,清水,大龙虾,鱼群,燕子,树木,松鼠,明月. 上片把才气改为财气,波澜变菠菜,与下片早餐,消灭大龙虾对称。)
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 13:56
Originally posted by 廖康 at 2016-2-2 16:21:
谢谢廖康教授支持。问好!“菩提不做夢”是太过下作,让人不齿。我又得用Bing 翻译器转换“梦” 字
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 14:17
佩服廖教授的敢言敢当! 是大丈夫所为。 很荣幸认识你。:)
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2016-2-3 16:07
now I've learned that, to know people I have to bring my eyes with me 
附件 1 :
念奴娇.png (2016-2-3 16:10, 75.69 K )
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