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标题: [原创]Lao Fang and the Seagull [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2008-10-6 00:11     标题: [原创]Lao Fang and the Seagull

It was Saturday. Lao Fang, after dozing off in front of the computer at MIIS library, woke up and was surprised to find that it was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He had planned to go to NPS gym to work out and the gym closed at 4 pm on weekends. Hurriedly he got up from the chair, ran down the stairs, dashed out of the library and mounted his bicycle. If nothing happened on the road, he would be at NPS in 15 minutes.

It was a fine day, sunny and comfortably warm. Lao Fang was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with white dragon designs and four Chinese characters saying Long Cheng Jixiang-- Dragon Is Good Omen. The shirt was made in Thailand. He bought it at a yard sale for 3 bucks. "Saved me the trouble of going to Thailand," he had said to the lady who sold it. He also bought a pink shirt with many white elephants from her, also a product from Thailand. This morning, Lao Fang debated which one he should wear and finally decided on the dragon. He wanted to appear Chinese.

As he was driving past the central lake, he saw a seagull lying on the grass under a tree. He drove by thinking it weird to see a seagull lying on the ground. Then it appeared to him that the bird must be in trouble. He made a u-turn and stopped the bike where the bird was lying.

Stooping down, Laofang found that the bird was alive. He flipped the bird with his finger to see what was wrong with it. The bird turned its head quickly to bite him and for once did catch his right hand. Lao Fang felt a pinch that gave a slight hurting feeling and that was all. He carefully used one finger to turn the bird and saw ants busily marching under the bird's belly. He did not examine if the ants were going to eat the bird after it died or was just passing by. He lifted the wings of the bird to try to help it to stand, only to find that it could not walk on the left leg. It must be broken. He picked it up and felt it strangely light. "Not worthy to catch ford meat," the thought went though his mind swiftly. Then he laid the bird down. He felt confused, not knowing what to do with it. One the one hand he felt he could not walk away from in injured bird and on the other hand he was thinking that this is nature. If you are weak, you die and no one should intervene.

Cars on Del Monte Boulevard zoomed past. Lao Fang stood up, staring at the oncoming traffic, wondering if anyone was paying attention to the sight of an old Chinese playing with something on the ground like a kid. The weather was fine and those people must be out for fun.

I wish no one who knows me has driven by.

Casting a glance at the helpless bird, Lao Fang felt that it was extremely calm, as if showing submissiveness to its fate. Well, why should it be my concern? Lao Fang got on his bike and left.

No, I should not leave like this, he thought as he was about ten meters away. Shouldn't he report the bird to someone? He knew there was an organization called SP something but he neither had a phone nor knew its number. Yes, there was the boat renting office by the lake. He turn back and drove towards a cabin by the lake but saw the peddle boats were all covered with canvas and there was no sign of humans in the cabin.

He drove back to the bird, got off the bike and squatted down beside the seagull. The bird turned its head to look at him. He knows what I want to do, Lao Fang thought. He stroked the bird's back gently. In a distance, a couple was sitting on the lawn feeding some wild birds. The birds were happy to receive scraps of bread from them.

Oh, yes, the police! Lao Fang suddenly remembered he was heading towards the library, where the police station was. Why don't I turn it in to the police? Thus decided, he became very professional, using a string to tie the beak of the seagull and then lifting it into the front basket of his bike.

Well, no time for working out, He thought. To work out in the gym of NPS, he normally parks the bike at the card-controlled turning gate that was wide only for one person to walk in. How could he leave the bird unattended while working out in the gym? He must take the bird to the police first and then there would not be
enough time to come back for the gym.

Two policewomen were in the front office as Lao Fang walked into the police station. The short dark-skinned one walked towards him with expressionless face:" How can I help you?"

"Ya, I just want to ask if you take care of injured animals, like birds?"

"We do not take care of injured animals. SPCA does."

“I've got a bird here that cannot fly or walk. Can I leave it here so that you can call the SPCA to pick up? I am on my bicycle and cannot go there."

"Ah, let me ask my officer, OK?"


Lao Fang walked out of the office. He preferred to be in the open air as much as possible. As he came near the bike, he noticed the seagull had tried to come out and obviously had failed. It was now in an uncomfortable position. Moreover, it was opening and closing its beak ask if panting. Oh my God, Lao Fang thought, don't you die on me!

After about five minutes a young policeman came out. He was in neat police uniform and his handgun was the most noticeable thing about him.

"Is that the bird in the basket?"

"Yes. “

"Where did you find it?"

"By the lake. It was lying on the grass and could not fly or walk."

"So you picked it up?"

"Yes, if no one takes care of it, it will die."

"Did you call the SPCA?"

"I do not have a phone. That's why I brought it here. Can you call the SPCA for me?"

The police said Ok and Lao Fang reminded him of bringing a rubber band secure the beak since the string had slipped off.

The man went in. Lao Fang looked at the bird and found it still trying to struggle. Minutes past and there was no sign of the policeman. What took him so long? Could' he find a rubber band from his desk?

Lao Fang took the bird out of the basket and put it on the cement ground. Now it looked OK. He lifted it and walked towards the door of the police office. At the same time, the officer came out with the police woman who had received him moments ago. The woman was holding a carton box. So that's what had kept them for so long.

The officer was now putting on a pair of rubber gloves. They were new and of bright green color. Lao Fang noticed the woman also was wearing gloves.

Is it necessary? He thought briefly. He looked at them, waiting for them to take over the bird but they just stood there. The man mumbled something like "I do not want to touch it."

Lao Fang put the bird in the box. "Thank you,” the woman said. "Thank YOU," said Lao Fang.

Lao Fang left the police station with much relief. He had done something right and something good. He felt proud.

As he walked into the library, however, the bright green color of the gloves of the police officer flashed in front of his eyes and cold sweat oozed out of his forehead。

The bird! Does it have bird flu?
作者: 小曼     时间: 2008-10-6 01:06

作者: weili     时间: 2008-10-6 11:19


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