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作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-19 17:51     标题: delete

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-19 18:11



作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-19 18:32

Gone are all heroes with its spray on spray. Gone are all已表明“淘尽”,spray on spray表现了层层“浪花” ,动词“淘”的意思也就出来了。
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-19 18:33
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-19 19:06
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-19 19:21
作为专有名称,长江通常译作the Yangtze River,这谁都知道。许先生不这么译自有道理。我能看到的理由主要是反映中文的本意“长”。

Gone are all heroes with its spray on spray. Gone are all已表明“尽”,spray on spray表现了层层“浪花” ,动词“淘”的意思也就出来了。



作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-19 21:17
the yangtze river washed away all the heroes

we meet happily over a pot of not so fine wine?
作者: searain     时间: 2016-1-20 00:33
淘盡washed out
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-20 08:46
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-20 11:23
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-20 11:36
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-20 12:11
只想打个抱不平,没功夫与你斗嘴,更不屑于比试。The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls那首诗,这么多年过去了,你仍译不出来,还比什么?
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-20 13:56
flush away 是否更好,跟淘厕所一样,呵呵。
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-20 16:11
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-1-20 16:39
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-20 17:04
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-20 18:05
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-20 19:20
你说什么也没用。什么时候你把The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls那首诗翻译出来,才有资格谈比试。

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-21 12:44
把你们的翻译都寄给我,我在同一个时间贴出来。就跟买房子的escrow 一样。呵呵。

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-21 14:20
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-21 15:03
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-21 22:33
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-22 08:26
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 11:26
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-23 12:05
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 12:58
我的翻译早已贴上。你可以装作看不见。但我不是应你的战,你那两下子,用google translate都做得出来,比我的学生还差得远。
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-23 13:24
作者: 廖康     时间: 2016-1-23 14:10
我看到了什么叫“厚顏無恥” (#25)。别再犯健忘症,引号里的骂人话是转抄你的用语。

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-1-24 08:48
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-13 11:22
怎么删贴了呢? 攻击许渊冲的话。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-13 11:50
楼主海外逸士 发表于: 2012-07-15 22:24:36 引用回复

Air Crash vs Car Accident

I was told that there are much more car accidents on land than air crashes in the sky. This is true, but people often survive in car accidents, and seldom survive in air crash. One air crash for a person is enough. He is forever gone. If he is involved in several car accidents, he may still be alive and enjoy his life. So there is no comparability between the two.
I always think how we can reduce death rate in air crash. I suddenly think of the parachute. We can't provide every passenger with a parachute and train them how to use it before boarding. However, why can't we install three huge parachutes in the airplane, one in the front part, one in the middle and another in the tail part? The parachutes can automatically open in air crash just like the airbag in the car, which will hinder the pull of the gravity. Can anyone who reads this article spread my idea to the experts that they can make the invention? Thanks for saving life.

第2楼 海外逸士 发表于: 2012-07-20 23:27:28 引用回复


Brain Transplanting

“What a miracle!” exclaimed Frank, “I revive in another body.”
The most he enjoyed was not dainties to eat, not games to play, not merry-making, but he had senses that he could sense the outside world, and had brain to think, to control his actions. If one cannot sense the outside world, he is dead. What he liked most was reading. He loved to know everything and to to widen his storage of knowledge, as much as possible. So his brain could be full of wisdom. He always thought that when he was dying, he could donate his brain to a young person so that he could revive in a young body and live another life. It was because his memory, his knowledge worked in that body. The brain in the original body no longer existed. It was replaced by his brain. His brain commanded every action, including thinking, speaking, etc., in this young body.
He was now over seventy, and one day he was found to suffer from gall blander cancer and he would not live long. In the same hospital he stayed, there was a young man who had an accident and died. He paid a lot of money to have his brain transplanted in the skull of the deceased. The operation was a great success. So he got another life.
Now he could learn more new things to make him more knowledgeable. He became the most learned person in the world as he had two lives added up. He was proud of it. If he could revive over and over again in this way, he might be able to live till the end of the world. But he forgot to reckon that his brain cells could not live forever.

第3楼 海外逸士 发表于: 2012-07-25 23:13:58 引用回复




名詞 farm 前習慣用介詞 on﹐如He works on a farm﹐不說 in a farm。
還有﹕at night﹐ in the night。要注意的是用at 時﹐night前面沒冠詞﹐有了冠
詞及其他修飾詞﹐就用in。同樣﹐at school﹐ in the school。
He sits on a chair (in an armchair) in the corner of the room. 用in表示在
屋角內﹐在房子裡面。 He stands at the corner of the street. 用at表示位置﹐
站在路角上。如果路角上有幢房子﹐他是在房子外面。The house is on the corner
of the street. 房子座落在路角上。
還有﹕in the street﹐ on the road﹐ on the way to somewhere﹐這都表示在路
上﹐街上。因為street指兩邊有建築物的街道﹐所以用in. 至於in a way 這裡的way跟
路沒關係了﹐指方式方法。 He lives on this street.這表示他大致住在這條路上。
He lives at 15 Main Street. 表示確切地點。至於介詞of用法更多。如﹕the Japanese
invasion of China﹐是of的賓格用法﹐表示動詞invasion後面的China是邏輯賓語﹐
動作的承受者。而the invasion of Japan into China﹐則是of的主格用法﹐表示
如The beauty of spring charms everyone.另有一個用法﹐He is a devil of a
以代替其他介詞﹐如He comes out of the house.按語義來講﹐從房子裡出來﹐應
該說out from the house﹐這裡的of是代替了from。這裡的of還可以省掉﹐即out
the house。
有些動詞後面用介詞與不用介詞﹐意思不一樣。如 He shoots the bird. 他射中或
射死了那鳥。如果說He shoots at the bird.意思是他對著那鳥射擊。至於有沒射
麼為目標”。再如The police search the person.警察搜這人的身。搜的動作到達
那人身上﹐因為person直接作了動詞search的賓語。而The police search for the

第4楼 海外逸士 发表于: 2012-07-26 20:42:36 引用回复



第5楼 sumorsae 发表于: 2012-09-09 08:09:57 引用回复


这话正好做主帖的注脚。I was told that there are “much” more car accidents on land than air crashes in the sky. This is true, but people often survive in car accidents, and seldom survive “in air crash”.“越细微,越有深度。”much more cad accidents不对,应该说many more car accidents;in air crash不对,应该说in an air crash。还是复习一下基础英语再写吧。

第6楼 Liaokang 发表于: 2012-09-11 09:43:42 引用回复



第7楼 Liaokang 发表于: 2012-09-11 13:03:08 引用回复


作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-13 16:08
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-13 16:12

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