标题: 朕之罪己詔 anyone in need can use it [打印本页]
作者: 海外逸士 时间: 2015-7-20 08:30 标题: 朕之罪己詔 anyone in need can use it
My Majesty 註 am much astonished to find that there is really a talented
person in this website who can write such a good article in English. My
Majesty feel ashamed to have misjudged the situation and fallen into the
snare of betting. As a gentleman, My Majesty have no way to recede from
the betting result and have 這裡的HAVE能省嗎 to acknowledge the mistake.
What is left for My Majesty to do is to say sorry. However, the only regret
is that there is only one person who has such talent. Where can My Majesty
see the talent of so many persons who kept debating with My Majesty? My
Majesty would like to meet a throng of persons of ability in English writing
before entering paradise.
註﹕英文中無“朕”之相應詞﹐只有 YOUR MAJESTY﹐HIS MAJESTY。據此﹐本人發
明了MY MAJESTY 作“朕”之用。下面為中文版﹕
作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-7-20 08:59
Originally posted by 海外逸士 at 2015-7-20 08:30:
My Majesty 註 am much astonished to find that there is really a talented
person in this website who can write such a good article in English. My
Majesty ..
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