"If there were a God, how could I endure not being a god myself? Therefore, there is no God." (Nietzsche) Because there is a God, and you were not a God, you couldn't endure it. Because you couldn't endure it, you went insane eventually.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-20 18:06 智慧可以是悲哀的土壤,相反也可以是欢乐的源泉,就看你如何将其运用。
Wisdom can be the soil of sorrow and conversely the source of joy, depending on how you apply it.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-21 23:10 我想我,就是想人类,如果内容对路,一切在内容。
When I think of myself, I think of mankind, if the content is right. Everything depends on its contents.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-23 22:22 我现在对问题是谁创造了人类的兴趣降低许多。创造了人类的造物主,我们可以叫他上帝,也可以叫他外星人,外星人就是上帝,上帝就是外星人,这并不极端深奥。我现在更感兴趣的问题是是谁创造了日月星辰,宇宙万物。哦,每一想起就头晕心颤,如堕深渊。哦,上帝,救我!
My interest in who created humanity has decreased now. The creator of humanity, we can call him God or an extraterrestrial if we wish. An extraterrestrial is God, and God is an extraterrestrial. This is not too profound to understand. The question that interests me more now is who created the sun, moon, stars, and the cosmos. Oh, every time I think about it, I feel dizzy and tremble with fear, as if I am falling into an abyss. Oh, God, save me from this moment!作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-25 22:54 若想获得心灵的宁静,必得求助于形而上之唯心,再就是上帝。
If you want to attain peace of mind, you must turn to metaphysical idealism, and or to God.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-2-28 14:45 看来中外都喜欢“十大”,我也无意免俗。我最喜爱的十个词是(排名不分先后):上帝,生命,人生,灵魂,贝多芬,美女,做爱,善恶,沉思,诗歌。
It seems that both Chinese and foreigners like the "top ten", and I have no intention to be exempt. My top ten favorite words are (in no particular order): God, life, living, soul, Beethoven, beautiful women, lovemaking, good and evil, contemplation, and poetry.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-1 21:00 如果你感受到了被悲悯,被恩惠,你就感受到了上帝。
If you feel mercy and grace, you feel God.
If you feel mercy and grace, share them with others.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-4 15:54 夜晚我梦到世俗生活,白天我思考灵性人生。
At night I dream of secular life, and during the day I contemplate spiritual existence.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-7 21:06 我要做一个绝望但快乐的人。我绝望我将永远找不到我所苦苦寻找的,我快乐我现在拥有的已经相当丰盛。
I want to be a desperate but happy person. I am desperate that I will never find what I have searched so hard for, and I am happy that what I have now is quite abundant.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-9 21:49 质疑乃至颠覆你所信奉乃至崇拜的一切,是通往智慧的必由之路。除了上帝!
Questioning and even overturning everything you believe in and even worship is the necessary path to wisdom. Except for God!作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-14 19:57 约翰逊博士(Dr. Johnson)有句名言:“没有人能在宗教上做出新的发现,或宣称自己教授任何新的真理。”永不说永不!博士先生这话说得太早了。不懂现代科学,无以言上帝、灵魂和生命。但另一方面,迄今为止,有关上帝、灵魂与生命,仍是众说纷纭。
Dr. Johnson has a famous quote: "No man can make a new discovery in religion, or profess himself to teach any new thing that is true." Mr. Doctor said this too soon. If you don't understand modern science, you can't talk about God, the soul, and life. But On the other hand, there are still numerus and various opinions regarding God, the soul, and life up to this day.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-17 22:03 人生与生命的意义有许多种,人类不必强求统一,也永远无法统一;更无须区分高低,以免陷入阶级歧视。学者大师活一生,山野村夫过一辈子,说不清哪个更顺乎天意 — 如果确有天意存在。哲学家和说教师们大可不必高高在上,口吐莲花耳提面命。个人顺其自然走自己的路最好,也即最有意义。
There are many and various meanings to life and living, and it is not necessary for humanity to strive for uniformity, nor can it ever truly achieve it. Furthermore, there is no need to distinguish between high and low in terms of the meanings of life and living, in order to avoid falling into the trap of class discrimination. Whether scholars spend their entire lives pursuing knowledge or villagers spend a generation living a simple life, it is hard to say which one is more in line with the will of heaven or God — if such a thing exists. Philosophers and preachers, please do not act superior and speak in lofty language to educate people on how to live. It is best for individuals to follow their own path and go with the flow, which may be the most meaningful way of living.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-20 13:16 我的欢快不是出于乐观,而是恰恰相反。
My cheerfulness is not out of optimism, but quite the opposite.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-3-21 19:48 我的内心有大苦闷,我的灵魂有大悲哀,因为我不知道人生与生命的价值意义,不理解存在的本质原理,更不明白宇宙时空的来去奥秘,但却必须茫茫然活着,最后悲剧性死去。我知道,哦不,我在绝望中期望:在我死后,在我抵达那另外所在时,我的所有疑问都将得以解决,我生前的种种苦闷和悲哀,都将变作一声轻笑!
There is great bitterness in my heart and profound sorrow in my soul, for I do not know the value and meaning of life and living, I do not understand the essential principles of existence, and I do not understand the mystery of the coming and going universe. I must live in a daze and finally die tragically. I know, oh no, I expect in despair: after I die and reach that other place, all my questions will be answered and all my struggles and anguish in life will be turned into a light laugh.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-4-25 21:50 不论上帝是否为真,我们必须寻求上帝,我们的心中必须有上帝。
Whether God is true or not, we must seek God, and we must have God in our hearts.作者: 章凝 时间: 2023-7-14 20:38 人生而为奴,无外乎三类别之一种:做他人的奴隶,做自己的奴隶,做神明的奴隶。至于我自己,眼下仍为自我的奴仆——有种说法管此类奴仆叫主人。早就有意投身神明为奴,可惜至今尚未被接受。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-10-17 21:41 我感觉生命与人生是一个悲剧一天,我就仍处于混沌愚昧中一天。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-10-26 22:34 人类是什么?人类是一撮灰尘。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-11-1 22:23 当你仍然相信你自己,你就尚未进入所谓智慧的阶段。作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-12-3 22:58 我的墓志铭——“猜谜结束了!”作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-12-6 13:33 仰望宇宙,潸然泪下...作者: 章凝 时间: 2024-12-9 20:07 一个课题困扰着我,让我夜不能寐: