标题: 丹布朗的小说"The Lost Symbol" [打印本页]
作者: 悟空 时间: 2009-11-10 13:22 标题: 丹布朗的小说"The Lost Symbol"
看完了丹布朗的新书:“The Lost Symbol." 向各位丹饭推荐一下。
丹布朗的小说文学性不强,大概永远登不了纯文学的奠堂。他本人估计也如此定位。虽然他也写生死、爱恨、情仇、是非、善恶这些所谓永恒的主题,但是他并不着意在刻划人物性格、挖掘人物灵魂等方面下功夫(估计这也不是他的所长)。相反,丹布朗是讲故事的高手。他善于把宗教、科技、政治、秘社等敏感材料熔为一炉,又善于让故事发生在著名的场合,所以他的小说有相当的可读性,特别是对我这样没有多少文化、对纯文学敬而远之、只读得懂通俗小说的人而言。Page-turners, sometimes for good reasons., sometimes for the lack thereof.
通观丹布朗的5本小说,"Digital Fortress"和"Deception Point"基本上是讲悬念故事;到了A&D和DVC,除了讲故事以外,他似乎还想传达某种故事以外的信息。是否成功则另当别论,但至少让某些圆脚趾人士不安了一回,掀起了一场不大不小的波澜。现在这本The Lost Symbol,老丹想传达某种信息的意图就更加明显了。同样,是否成功则另当别论,老丹显然是把整部书当成一个大寓言来写。至于谋杀、CIA这些东东,并非牛肉,而仅仅是salt & pepper而已。本人跟他的很多观点不谋而合,外加也喜欢solving puzzles,所以这本书颇对本人的胃口。此书对宗教、圣经的诠释很有意思,使我这个非宗教人士也能接受。
Both read the Book day and night,
But you read black and I read white.
Time and time agian,
What it takes is only a fresh perspective
to see it in a new light....
作者: 忍忍 时间: 2009-11-10 13:45
Originally posted by 悟空 at 2009-11-10 10:22:
看完了丹布朗的新书:“The Lost Symbol." 向各位推荐一下。
你要是看完了,就细细道来。Brown 的书前几本俺都有,可是好象都是一个“奇”字,除了 Da vince 让俺很是研究了一番,后面的几本竟再打不起精神看。不过了解一下故事是很娱乐的。
作者: 悟空 时间: 2009-11-10 13:58
The secret will be revealed to the most enlightened and the most worthy....
Originally posted by
忍忍 at 2009-11-10 06:45 PM:
你要是看完了,就细细道来。Brown 的书前几本俺都有,可是好象都是一个“奇”字,除了 Da vince 让俺很是研究了一番,后面的几本竟再打不起精神看。不过了解一下故事是很娱乐的。
作者: 忍忍 时间: 2009-11-11 11:32
Originally posted by
悟空 at 2009-11-10 10:58:
The secret will be revealed to the most enlightened and the most worthy....
I'm most curious though not most enlightened or most worthy.
How do we know that you got it? 
"...But you read black and I read white..."
How do you know "you read black." You only know "I read white"...
作者: 悟空 时间: 2009-11-12 07:28
Originally posted by
忍忍 at 2009-11-11 04:32 PM:
I'm most curious though not most enlightened and most worthy.
How do we know that you got it?
"...But you read black and I read white..."
How do you know "you re..
Curiosity is the gateway to enlightenment. I see in you the great potential of being enlightened. Once you are enlightened, everything will fly from there. Becoming worthy will simply be a given. 
"How do you know "you read black"? Because this is a poem. I've got the license to talk nonsense.
All kidding aside, I am speaking "code language" here. You've got to be able to "read dark" before you understand what I meant. 
作者: 忍忍 时间: 2009-11-13 00:16
Originally posted by 悟空 at 2009-11-12 07:28:
Curiosity is the gateway to enlightenment. I see in you the great potential of being enlightened. Once you are enlightened, everything will fly from there. Becoming worthy will simply be a given.
"How do you know "you read black"? Because this is a poem. I've got the license to talk nonsense.
All kidding aside, I am speaking "code language" here. You've got to be able to "read dark" before you understand what I meant.
Sum up the book in a few sentences. It's a way to train yourself to catch the main ideas. 
Pick up a point or two to start. You may intrigue me into reading the book, though highly impossible. 
Sharing your joy of reading is the most enlightened, most worthy thing to do.
As for "read dark", the first code I deciphered is that you live in 花生屯。The second one is that you are a project leader.
作者: 悟空 时间: 2009-11-13 14:53
Originally posted by
忍忍 at 2009-11-13 05:16 AM:
Sum up the book in a few sentences. It's a way to train yourself to catch the main ideas.
Pick up a point or two to start. You may intrigue me into reading the book, though highly im..
Looks like you wanted to trick me into writing a synopsis. No, with great resperct, I do not need that kind of training. 
But I can offer you a teaser. Here you go:附件 1 :
MI.jpg (2009-11-13 19:33, 667.9 K )
作者: 忍忍 时间: 2009-11-13 22:11
Originally posted by
悟空 at 2009-11-13 14:53:
Looks like you wanted to trick me into writing a synopsis. No, with great resperct, I do not need that kind of training.
But I can offer you a teaser. Here you go:
Then why you open this thread? A teaser...that is not politically correct.
Ok, enjoy yourself... 

作者: thesunlover 时间: 2009-11-13 23:55
作者: weili 时间: 2009-11-17 13:54
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