“They don’t like me1”
“Why not ?”
“I am the snake1 I am the snake of reason1”
“You are getting it mixed1 The apple was reason1”
“No ,it was the snake1”He was more cheerful1
所以,我觉得Mary Snell-Hornby 在其《翻译研究的历史转向》( The Turns of Translation Studies, Amsterdam 2006)中对韦努提的评价是对的:“。。。despite his own theory,Venuti has as it were subjected Scheleiermacher’s notions to an ethnocentric reduction (or cannibalization?) and – as a translator all too visible – ‘domesticated’ them to suit the Anglo-American planetary consciousness of the outgoing 20th century. As such this is [原文疑误] cannot be called a new paradigm,but rather evolves new notions from old concepts,and these – despite a fundamental,if not universal claim – refer to the specific situation of the ‘hegemonic English-language nations’ of today.”(147页)荷恩比的话说穿了,就是异化归化的概念不过是在一个新的历史环境中新瓶装旧酒罢了。然而更有人指出,其实“异化”和“归化”的提法,本来在中国翻译家里那里已经有了。用这两个词语来翻译韦努提的 foreignization 和 domestication 有些不妥 (Foreignization / Domestication and Yihua / Guihua: A Contrastive Study By He Xianbin Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China)。该文指出,韦努提的概念,是针对外译英而言,说那些外国作品翻译成英文以后,让人都看不出来是翻译了。韦努提认为一方面这抹煞了译者。读者读着仿佛是外国作者的英文写作的翻译时,难道还会去注意谁翻译的吗?韦努提的意思是,本来翻译就够不受待见的了,还要自己隐藏自己,太对不起自己了吧。于是他主张,别把外国作品翻译得那么晶莹透明,让读者看不见你在哪儿。韦努提的第二个用意,是要对外国文学的作品所反映出来的外国文化加以尊重,不要通过太让译文读者舒服的译法亏待了外国文化。所以,韦努提主张翻译外国文学为英语时,要用foreinization 的方针政策,不要用domestication 的方针政策。