Originally posted by 晨思 at 2009-4-9 02:42 AM:
John Lennon – Imagine
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It i..
谢谢晨思分享!作者: 老牛 时间: 2009-4-9 11:18
Originally posted by weili at 2009-4-9 03:16 AM:
我举起双手和双脚认同这句话。作者: 老牛 时间: 2009-4-9 11:21
Originally posted by 一元 at 2009-4-9 12:13 PM:
我曾就巴哈依教这个话题分别与基督徒和回教徒交换过意见。在这个问题上, 基督徒和回教徒的意见比较一致, “(THIS RELIGION) WOULD NOT WORK OUT!” 进一步询问原因, 解释各有不同, 但主要理由是巴哈依教在“大是大非”这个问题上态度暖昧, 注定没有前途, 然而据一个研究巴哈依教的中国学者声称,目前巴哈依教在全球至少有一千万信徒。
关于地狱,我的理解是这样的,地狱是一种永死状态。是神给那些不信他的人唯一去处。从某种意义上讲,神不得不这样做。因为只有信他的人的罪才能被赦免,天堂里是没有人的罪性的人呆的地方,这跟善良无关。如果你信神,又爱你的亲人,唯一的办法就是说服他们信神,得到永生的礼物。作者: searain 时间: 2009-4-9 15:43 Bahai was popular in Chinese students (many of them went to their parties, gatherings etc.) in UWM 17-18 years ago when I was in school. I never went to their parties. Some Chinese students told me that Bahai believed that Chinese/China had a bright future so they should try to get along with Chinese (but does it conflict with its faith that all religions and all the races are equal? Well, I don't know if that was true or just some Chinese students said so just tried to recruit me.) They had a beautiful temple near Northwestern U. I think their temples always have 9 doors, 40 degrees one door, no main entrance. Every direction is equal. When LaoNiu brought this topic, I thought someone would bring the topic of Behai.
作者: 老牛 时间: 2009-4-9 15:56
Originally posted by 文章 at 2009-4-9 08:38 PM:
Originally posted by searain at 2009-4-9 08:43 PM:
Bahai was popular in Chinese students (many of them went to their parties, gatherings etc.) in UWM 17-18 years ago when I was in school. I never went to their parties. Some Chinese students told ..
我在这里清楚地表白我自己的观点, 我渴望进天堂, 我也愿意所有善良的人都进天堂。作者: searain 时间: 2009-4-9 16:28 Some Chinese students were honest with their material purposes when they joined Behai faith. Some told me that in their group, most of them are Iranian and Chinese. A lot of behai members were rich Iranian who escaped to USA from the "Iranian revolution" and they had money, Behai believed Chinese/China had bright future (I never researched it on my own, but from the material I read and I didn't see that favors Chinese part, so I was not sure if it was true that Behai said so.), and we Chinese had talents, so why not combined the money and talents and make something of it, plus they believed all people and all races and all religions are equal, so what is the hurt?
I wasn't sold by that idea (money+talents+all equal). But when I visited the Behai temple near Northwestern University, I liked its peaceful and bright environment. The faith of "unity of god or religion" seems attractive.
The funder claimed he was the latest messenger just like Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad (every 1000 years 1 messenger?). If for religious discussion, if you question others messengers or not, why not question him messenger or not too?作者: 一元 时间: 2009-4-9 17:11 老牛心态很好,至少比我好,尽管我也自喻为自然信者,这里自然有两重意思,不是玩暧昧,而是两重意思都有。虔谦的从愤怒到信仰的过程,让我及其惊讶。巴哈伊的信者,可能要比人们想象的多得多,我去过巴哈伊庙参观,拿过许多资料,觉得有人这样提倡是一种大智慧,但其说教还是有点罗嗦不到位(不是说我的想法到位,而是指读来总觉得还隔了一层),好在巴哈伊似乎也没有像其他一些教(派)一样拼命传教,据说其庙在每一大洲只有一座。作者: 一元 时间: 2009-4-9 17:37 我不想在信仰里陷得很深,这其实也是一种开放心态(自赞一把先),耶稣,佛陀和默罕默德不是神,而是先知,我想这是信者们大都多同意的,他们给人类带来的宗教,楼上有人说是殊途同归,这样当然好,不过我自己对基督教和佛教有极其通俗的切入点,抛开天堂和轮回这些元素,我觉得这两个教是相辅相成的(在我的理解层面上),佛教关于生命的修行,基督教关于起源,这两方面人类都需要受到超越现世的启迪。至于进天堂,还是在进天堂前再轮回做几回人,我现在倾向于后者,觉得人还没有做够,天堂会不会太寂寞?也许老了会改变想法。作者: weili 时间: 2009-4-9 19:44 你的想法再到位,没有天时地利人和也不行。我原来的同事、伊朗人、巴哈伊教徒告诉我:当初一群人在耶路撒冷等待基督回来做最后审判。怎么等也没动静,当人们都失去耐心时,这位当时谁也不知道的巴哈伊创始人就对大家说,怎么没来?我来了,我就是!
Originally posted by 一元 at 2009-4-9 06:11 PM:
作者: 杨林 时间: 2009-4-9 19:46
Originally posted by 老牛 at 2009-4-9 01:08 PM:
把不信的耶稣人带到耶稣面前?怎么带法?作者: 老牛 时间: 2009-4-9 19:50
Originally posted by 一元 at 2009-4-9 10:37 PM:
谢谢一元分享.作者: 老牛 时间: 2009-4-9 20:27
Originally posted by weili at 2009-4-10 12:44 AM: