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标题: 点评海外英译: 金陵圖(唐)韋莊 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-14 15:15     标题: 点评海外英译: 金陵圖(唐)韋莊



Nanking Landscape
by Wei Zhuang

Rains on the river fall lightly and grass grows smooth;
Six dynasties gone like a dream, birds vainly sing.
Weeping willows of Tai Town are the most heartless,
Still in misty smoke for ten miles the dyke covering.

Critiqued by Xiaoman Liu:

(1) the first line, rains on the river fall lightly and grass grows smooth.
three mistakes:  how can rains on the river fall?  Grass grows---only one piece of grass?
Rain is uncountable noun.
江草齐--江南草长,碧绿如茵 the key words here are grow and green.

(2) the second line,  sounds awkward. nothing seems to be connected in between.

(3) the third,  a wishy washy statement.

(4) the last line: Still in misty smoke for ten miles the dyke covering ---you misunderstood  the original line.
烟笼十里 is a metaphor.  It means the willow trees look like smoke shrouding the long dyke or beach.

Conclusion:  The translation work  by Overseas Hermit terribly sucks, unreadable, doesn't make sense,low-levelgrammar mistakes. It seems to me that he didn't fully understand the poem and the backgrounds of it. You need to read all the related information in full before practicing your English and translation skills.   

Here is my translation: 我的翻译:

The Jinling Scene  By Wei Zhuang

Rain flies to the river;  grasses grow so green,
Birds are crowing in vain, sad and touching,
as if the Six Dynasties is only a dream.  
The most ruthless are willow trees of Taicheng,
as if smoke, they are still shrouding
the ten-mile long beach in this desolate scene.

刘小曼 译

Information below is from the internet:
作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2016-8-14 16:40
Six Dynasties (is) only a dream. 應該用ARE。極大語法錯誤。
"堤" 不是 BEACH。
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 08:59

Around the river the grass lush in falling rain;
Six dynasties were but a dream; birds cry in vain,
The willows of Taicheng who are th’ most affectless
Along the ten-mile causeway like clouds still reign.

Tr. Xiao Cao
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-15 10:14

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-15 08:59:

Around the river the grass lush in falling rain;
Six dynasties were but a dream; birds cry in vain,
The willows of Taicheng who are th’ most affectless

作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 19:51

Originally posted by Xiaoman at 2016-8-15 03:14 PM:


作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-15 21:13
转去我博客先, 哈哈!:)
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-8-15 22:13

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-15 08:59:

Around the river the grass lush in falling rain;
Six dynasties were but a dream; birds cry in vain,
The willows of Taicheng who are th’ most affectless



Tr. Xiao Cao

Around the river the grass lush in falling rain;
Six dynasties were but a dream; birds cry in vain,
The willows of Taicheng who are th’ most affectless
Along the ten-mile causeway like clouds still reign.



1. Rain一词虽不很准确,但没多大问题。问题是falling。Falling rain里的falling是多余的词,哪种雨不falling?你用rain,而不用更准确的drizzle或者mizzle,主要是需要rain这个词跟下面押韵,而用rain则少了两个音节,所以你就用了falling。当然,这只是我的推测。

2. Birds cry in vain不make sense。in vain这一短语是说你有目的,然而目的未达成,就in vain了。那么birds cry in vain,birds 原先的目的是什么呢?没有!所以这个短语不make sense,你用这个in vain完全是为了要跟rain押韵。

3. The willows ... still reign不妥。原诗里的“烟笼”,是顺着“烟”用了“笼”字,何等贴切又意象。这个意象给了我们六朝已去,但“杨柳仍然笼罩着十里长堤”这个暗示。如果作者把这个"笼"改成“囚”,“禁”,“主宰”等等,诗意顿时。而你用reign一词把如此含蓄的意思直接表达了出来,回味就没有了,想象就没有了。你用这个reign也是为了跟rain押韵。

作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 22:42
呵呵呵, 你说的都对,但对于你认为 falling 配 rain 没必要到要说一句,你难道没听过这首歌 listen to the rythem of the falling rain? 看来你得告诉他们没必要了?哈哈哈
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 22:45
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 22:48
没想到你还能替古人改诗?哈哈哈 了不起啊,哈哈哈 佩服!
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 22:51
I could have said for which birds cry in vain ,
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-15 22:57
It is easy to say the verdant grass in rain

Anyway, I heartily thank you for your input, which is always highly appreciated.)

Right now I am on the train…… it is hard to do anything on my mobile. Cheers)
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-8-15 23:00

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-15 22:42:
呵呵呵, 你说的都对,但对于你认为 falling 配 rain 没必要到要说一句,你难道没听过这首歌 listen to the rythem of the falling rain? 看来你得告诉他们没必要了?哈哈哈


在listen to the rhyme of the falling rain里,你把那个falling拿掉听上去就不顺耳,这或许是因为falling是构成rhyme的主因。

而在你的Around the river the grass lush in falling rain, grass lush in the rain和grass lush in the falling rain是一个意思。我不是说你错了,而是说在你的句子里那是一个多余的字。
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-8-15 23:07

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-15 22:45:


in falling rain最好用in the (falling) rain
The willows of Taicheng who th’ most affectless 最好是The willows of Taicheng that...
The willows of Taicheng who are th’ most affectless,th'这样用念的时候还是一个音节,
Along the ten-mile causeway like clouds still reign最好是over the ten-mile...
the ten-mile causeway 最好是the ten-mile long causeway
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 00:27

Originally posted by at 2016-8-16 04:07 AM:


in falling rain最好用in the (falling) rain
The willows of Taicheng who th’ most affectless 最好是The willows of Taicheng that...
The willows of Taicheng who ar..

Yep, in the falling rain, agree, thanks very much for your input! ))

I now have to work, but I will come back to "deal with" you later on...
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 00:28
Yeah, ten-mile-causeway will do, )
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-16 00:29

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-16 00:27:

Yep, in the falling rain, agree, thanks very much for your input! ))

I now have to work, but I will come back to "deal with" you later on...

作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 00:30
Th' indicates this word is a silent one...right? If you disagree, well, too bad, we just have to agree to disagree. Bye for now! Have a sound sleep Lu! Hahahaah
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 07:10

Originally posted by at 2016-8-16 04:00 AM:


在listen to the rhyme of the falling rain里,你把那个falling拿掉听上去就不顺耳,这或许是因为falling是构成rhyme的主因。

而在你的Around the rive..

你说得对,我是为了韵和音节,因为只是玩,所以也没太非心思。既然 路 你如此认真,呵呵呵,那我需要谨慎小心了,哈哈哈,我有空再琢磨琢磨看看如何修改。谢谢路教授!哈哈哈
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 07:22
有关 who / that 这个问题我想到过,后来觉得要用 reign 那就选来个拟人点的代词,就这么简单。along / over 也一样在脑子里闪过,其实没什么大不了的事,呵呵呵,这是诗,在诗里做任何事都可以。) 你可以让天唱歌,山走路,河上天,等等
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 07:27
最后一句可以考虑用 on the wane ...hmm

霏霏 也可以是 in the pouring rain...
附件 1 : Screen shot 2016-08-16 at 10.25.14 PM.png (2016-8-16 07:27, 40.61 K )

作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 08:34

Originally posted by at 2016-8-16 04:07 AM:


in falling rain最好用in the (falling) rain
The willows of Taicheng who th’ most affectless 最好是The willows of Taicheng that...
The willows of Taicheng who ar..

Ok, I give it a try again but for fun only )

The lush grass and river in the rain lie
Six dynasties a dream, birds sadly cry
The willows of Taicheng, the least affect,
Still like clouds the ten-mile-dyke vivify
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-16 10:38
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-16 19:02

Originally posted by Xiaoman at 2016-8-16 03:38 PM:

Thank you very much for your encouragement!
作者: 徐英才     时间: 2016-8-16 21:52

Originally posted by 小草 at 2016-8-16 08:34:

Ok, I give it a try again but for fun only )

The lush grass and river in the rain lie
Six dynasties a dream, birds sadly cry
The willows of Taicheng, the least affect,
Still like cloud..

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-8-16 22:05
Thanks professor Lu!
作者: 小草     时间: 2016-8-17 08:17

Originally posted by at 2016-8-17 02:52 AM:


Thanks very much for your encouragement!

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