标题: 方壶斋旧体诗稿,第一部分:高中时代, 08262022 [打印本页]
作者: fanghuzhai 时间: 2006-6-2 18:38 标题: 方壶斋旧体诗稿,第一部分:高中时代, 08262022
Alone I spent the New Year's Eve
Watching moon light through the window
I wished my friends a Happy New Year
Unaware that the stove had lost its glow
夜见明月 1972
明月千秋照, 高挂长林梢。 方圆多少次, 唯有中秋好。
Bright Moon at Mid-Autumn Night
For thousands of years the bright moon has
Been there, high above the trees, shedding its ray
Many times it has waned and grown full again
Best to look at only on Mid-Autumn Day
云 1972, 10
秋凉细雨后, 斜晖照红云。虽然胭脂色, 无奈已黄昏。
After a cold late autumn rain
Clouds are rosy in the setting sun
Pretty is its lipstick stain
It fades as time does run
虾蟹居海底, 未知世喜忧。 逍遥多欢乐, 有谁与同愁?
Deep at the bottom of the sea
Crabs and shrimps reside
The world's sadness and pleasures
They simply brush aside
A life of fun they fully enjoy
Happily, gaily and merrily
Does anyone share their sorrow
If they ever have some trouble?
无题 1974,10,2
秋高应气爽, 何况在节日。 漫步家门外, 不知何所之。
有意访彼客, 恐遇话僵时。 只好回书房, 强读古唐诗。
The day should be fair in autumn
Much less to say on a holiday
Walking out of my home
I can’t find the proper way
I want to visit a friend but
I fear having nothing to say
I thus return to my house
To force myself on Tang poetry
广安中学高中数学课即景 1974, 10,9
群儒听课遭烟熏, 别人视我为蚊虫。 如此学校读书难, 万务小心过一冬。
Math Class at High School
Smoke attacked us while we were in class
Some one treated us as bugs
Such a school to study in, what a mess
Be careful in winter, ye little thugs
The teacher’s voice just died out
Smoke and red flare suddenly burst out
Was it a god arriving on his cloud chariot?
It was but a fire,some naughty guy carried it
We were puzzled and looked up here and there
The teacher suddenly vanished somewhere
Look, outside of the classroom in cold extremity
He was nursing his nose and eyes very badly
Wang Jie cried headache, shouting to open widows and door
Piggy felt cold head to toe, demanding closing all for sure
They were at a stalemate and none yielded to the other
Suddenly they started dashing out together
It turned out that the smoke which could kill mosquitoes
Had sneaked into their wide open nostrils
The wind from the north came for a visit
The torn window paper danced devilishly
The winter cold would last 81 days
When can my desk bath in spring sunny rays?
Chairman Ma made a presence at the classroom
Seeing the mess, he was amused and smiling
He has really a young heart disguised in old age
Dare to treat cold winter as the coming spring
Oh no, do not misunderstand the Chairman
This afternoon they would fix the window pane
Everyone was happy hearing the good news
Pray no trouble would come again
Those who see us off are well-intentioned
Those who leave are not really concerned
They leave with a “thank you”
Don’t expect to here from them something new
This trip is Chinese miles of three hundred
It is not long, unlike the march of 25 thousand
Days are long and there is plenty of time
Take it easy and don’t use up your wisdom
A Message
Listen to me, ye who are left behind
I will say something of sincere kind
Be it worker or peasant, we both can progress
Different roads to the same goal, so feel no stress
Since ye all have grand ambitions
Do not fear the thorns of ill intentions
Gossip is nothing to worry about,don’t conform
Remember Wang Anshi who conducted reform?
As morning rosy clouds spread over the sky
To Shashiyu, we begin the easwardt expedition
Over the Great Wall our singing voice is high
We laughingly compose our songs, a good collection
In fair autumn the bright sun shines from the heaven
Our journey is not to the West, but the opposition
Looking at today, we feel proud and heroic
Bravely we set foot on the trekking stoic
Green willows are a norm in sunny weather
Where to look for spring flowers however?
I entrust flying geese to seek them for me everywhere
Knowing not when they can exhaust the sphere
何惧千难炼, 不求万言美。 春发枝叶浓, 愿染江山翠。
Small green spots are those baby pine trees
In the barren hills, by them, what can be done?
In winter the snow of coldest days they greet
In summer they will bake in the scorching sun
They fear not the tortures of elements
They desire not the worldly praise
When spring comes they use their rich foliage
To bring to the landscape its greeny phase
6 五凤山 1974, 11,5
五凤拔地向苍穹, 只恨荒岭少青松。 何日满山皆青翠, 远方归客不辨容。
How lofty is the Five-Phoenix Mountain!
Yet it is miserably barren
When can I see it covered with vegetation
Unrecognizable to a native who does return
7 候鸟 1974, 11, 5
村童离床早, 檐下闻啼鸟。 喳喳双飞去, 何栖未知晓。
童守荆门望, 候鸟归来巢。 日落碧空静, 孤星照路遥。
The village lad gets up early in the morn
Under the eaves hearing birds singing along
Twittering, they both fly away into distance
Nobody can tell where they have gone
The lad waits at the fence gate
Expecting the return of his playmate
The sun is down, the blue sky clean
A lone star shines on a road desolate
8 顿悟 1974, 11, 6
All friends are in a dream
They never last forever
Star falls and candle dies
Spring flows away with river
None steps into a stream twice
All is on a course of change
In vain is orchid flower so nice
When withered, it loses the fragrance
Our new pal came to say goodbye
Emotional words filled the room
Then all left to sleep for the night
On dirt wall a lone shadow did loom
Before the oil lamp I silently meditate
In search for some new poems
To whom can I give my work of muse
My classmate never show me hers
A traveller cares only for his road
Treating the left-behind as trash load
Saying goodbye He starts journey care free
Laughing, he leaves for the pretty scenery
He exhausts the world without tear
And never leaves his heart anywhere
At Stone Bridge he watches a horse drinking
Any dusk he reaches the far away Jianming.
It was bitter cold in Jianming
In morning drill it was biting
After breakfast we paced up and down
Realizing boiled water could help us on
Fourt thermo bottles were fetched
With fried wheat flour we were nolonger wretched
And we heard in other dorms they
Wrapped their feet in quilts in dismay
There is a talent next to me
She is a lady, surprisingly
I want to be as erudite as she
But worry about an incompetent me
A red flag is revealed in early dense fog
Commune members have long arrived
Gurgling water flows by the road
Green seedlings sprout in the field
We walk on the familiar paths
And do not feel it too far
Mounting a high place we see pine trees
There our cotton fields are
Stepping over narrow paths of cobblestones
We hear sounds of people
Standing by the fields and looking around
We see faint figures in fog
Who says we are early?
When did commune members arrive?
Heaps of purple cotton plants in the field
Wait to be gathered by us
At our ears are the cutting sounds
With them cotton plants fall
Hands up, sickles down, the stems break
Revealing a field of golden grass
The sun shines on the hills golden
A dark island in silver sea
The leaves in wind know the chill of season
Horses neigh, reminding us of cotton jackets
Time is short as we sing over wine
So is life when we talk about it
Silently we pass 24 hours a day
In the meaningless void of it
Those knowledgeable tend to be mental
They sing when feeling empty
Afterwards they return to the earthly world
Only to find they are people of frailty
Curbing Desires
Full devotion is needed in seeking the Way
Curbing your desires is the best say
Pilgrims’ examples should we follow
Never tired of roads seemingly hollow
Desires are found in develish land
Uncurbed they make troubles that never end
When carnival desires are kept in mind
Destruction is imminent, you will find
Diving fish they do look like
These orchids of water-color
Seeking a place in seclusion
Where them none will bother
If someday they should decay
The color and smell fade away
They still will enjoy their demise
Knowing not what admirers will say
自嘲 1975, 3,4
百日功名一日废, 仍不回避对世人。 顿悟莫恋虚荣久,敢受天理弃俗心。 岂求同学二载谊? 利剑无情斩旧伦。 世间惟有修道好, 仆将求哲省吾身。
Fame, long forged, is wasted in one day
Yet I still do not shun the world
The awareness that vanity is short-lived
Leads me to forsake a life absurd
Do I desire the two years' alumni amistad?
With a sharp sword, I cut the old relations
Nothing is better than seeking the truth
I'll concentrate on self-reflections
Today’s friend, tommorrow’s foe
What a relationship I do not know
The love trapped talent is full of inspiration
The simple-minded servant is short in caution
The ignorant hundreds show suspicious knowledge
The knowledgable tens’s behave in ignorance
Changeable faces show in noise of drums and gongs
Is it another drama of beaucratic buffoons
Boating on Kunming Lake, Beihai
Where are all other fellow boaters?
The four of us now in one boat
No bird twittering is heard in the breeze
No tourists are heard over the water
Someone wants to sing to break the ice
But none encourage a show of feelings nice
After a little thinking over the situation
It is realized that this is not a fiction
仄仄平平中仄仄,中平平仄仄平平。 2018年按律修改
Reading old writings I recall the past
That in an early winter village you demanded my poems
A bookworm’s heart I had in those years
I never got a glimpse of yours
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-6-2 18:47
作者: 兰若 时间: 2006-6-3 23:01
Originally posted by 尚能饭 at 2006-6-2 11:47 PM:
有点mean, 不过总结的很有趣。。。
作者: 尚能饭 时间: 2006-6-3 23:25
Originally posted by
兰若 at 2006-6-4 04:01 AM:
有点mean, 不过总结的很有趣。。。
作者: thesunlover 时间: 2006-6-4 10:09
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