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标题: [原创] 歌词翻译:蝴蝶泉边 [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-4-2 19:55     标题: [原创] 歌词翻译:蝴蝶泉边

大理三月好风光哎, March in Dali boasts scenery with flower ablaze
蝴蝶泉边好梳妆, The Butterfly Spring is the good dressing place
蝴蝶飞来采花蜜哟, Butterflies come for the flowers’ nectar
阿妹梳头为哪桩? For what business do I brush my hair
蝴蝶飞来采花蜜哟, Butterflies come for the flowers’ nectar
阿妹梳头为哪桩? For what business do I brush my hair

蝴蝶泉水清又清, Clear is the water of the Butterfly Spring
丢个石头试水深, Dropping a stone I test the depth of the pond
有心摘花怕有刺, I want to pick the flower but fear the thorn
徘徊心不定啊伊哟. My heart is like my feet that wander around
有心摘花莫怕刺哎, If you want to pick flowers fear not the thorn
有心唱歌莫多问, Ask not too much if you want to sing a song
有心撒网莫怕水哟, If you want to cast a net, fear not the water
见面好相认. Let me see you in flesh so that we know each other

阳雀飞过高山顶, Love birds fly over the high mountains
留下一串响铃声, Their songs are like ringing bells
阿妹送我金荷包哟, You gave me an embroidered bag, my sis
格是有情人啊伊哟! I see the love it spells

燕子衔泥为做窝, The swallows make nests with mud
有情无情口难说, Judging love by words alone is hard
相交要学长流水哟, I want a relation as long as a river
朝露哥莫学啊伊哟! Not the dew drops soon to disappear

祖传三代是铁匠, Three generations of my clan are blacksmiths
炼得好钢锈不生, The steel we make never grow stain
哥心似钢最坚贞, My heart is as solid as the steel we forge
妹莫错看人. From misjudgment please sister refrain

送把钢刀佩妹身, Here is a steel knife for you to carry
钢刀便是好见证, It is the token that you I intend to marry
苍山雪化洱海干, The snow mountains may melt and the Erhai lake evaporate
难折好钢刃. But nothing can change the sharpness of the knife’s blade

橄榄好吃回味甜, Olives are delicious because of sweetness lingering
打开青苔喝山泉, One needs to part open the moss to taste the mountain spring
山盟海誓先莫讲, Let your vows and pledges rest with you for the time being
相会待明年. I here make us an appointment for this date of next year coming
明年花开蝴蝶飞, Next year when flowers bloom and butterflies fly again
阿哥有心再来会, You come to see me if you in love still remain
苍山脚下找金花, Golden Flower is the girl at the foot of the mountain
金花是阿妹, Golden Flower is the name to me my father has given
苍山脚下找金花, Golden Flower is the girl at the foot of the mountain
金花是阿妹, Golden Flower is the name to me my father has given
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-4-4 13:18

长长的头发 黑黑的眼睛

I love you girl.
Your long hair, your gleaming dark eyes.
I have the deja vu feelings that I've seen you somewhere before.
On the mountain, Gesang flowers are in full bloom.
I will pick one and give it to you in person,
Your pure smiles and silly words
have been imprinted in my mind, unforgettable.
Butterflies flying above my head are so sweet.
I want to say that I have already fallen in love with you.
Oh, dear girl, I love you
Let me come into your world to be with you
Oh, dear girl I'll love you my whole life, I will give it all up for you.
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-4-4 13:18

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-4-4 13:41
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-4-15 07:57


It's happy to laugh after getting drunk,
I have no time to worry about the junk.
Sayings in the ancient books  sound
unbelievable indeed, recently I've found.
I mistook the pine tree for a person
after I got tipsy last night,
so I asked, "How do I look like?"
As if the tree was about to hold me up,
and that irritated me, so I pushed the tree,  
and said, "Get away from me! "

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