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标题: 方壶斋版英文毛泽东诗词 1/15/2019 会昌改 [打印本页]

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-19 15:25     标题: 方壶斋版英文毛泽东诗词 1/15/2019 会昌改


Fierce is the west wind
In the frosty morning in the moon lit sky
I heard geese cry
Geese cry
Echoing horse hoof clattering
And the sobbing bugle blowing

Don’t say the majestic mountain passes
Are like iron gates hard to surpass
Today we surmounted the obstacles
And see green mountains as rolling oceans
And the setting sun, a bloody sign


Life of men runs fast
But that of heaven can last
Each year we have the Chongyang Festival
Today we again meet the festival
Fragrant are the flowers in the field of battle

Autumn wind is strong year after year
Unlike spring time, but it is better
A vast span of frost, heaven and river


Day's breaking from the east
Tell me not it's too early to hike
Many mountains covered, we're not old
The scenery is good on this side

High peaks outside of Huichuang
Rolling hills extend to the East Sea
Our soldiers point at the southern land
Where greener lanscape they see

Huichang    Summer 1934

Day‘s breaking from the east
Don’t say we start too early
Many mountains covered, we're still young
Behold the scenery here, what a beauty

High peaks outside the town Huichuang
Rolling hills extend to the East Sea
Soldiers point at the southern land
Where greener landscape they see


Sky appears high when clouds are thin
I watch southward geese till they can't be seen
Heroes we are not if we can't reach the Great Wall
I reckon that we've marched 20K li in all

On the high peaks of Mount Liu Pan
Red flags flutter in west wind
With this long rope in hand
When do I the feet of dragon bind?


Torrential rain, Beijing and vicinity
White waves rise to the sky
Fishing boats off Qinghuangdao
I wonder where they hide
For I do not see them on the sea outside

Thousands of years before this day
Caocao rode his horse to Bohai Bay
Here I come to see the sea, he would say
Chilly autumn wind comes as before
But the world is the old one no more


Born out of sky
The great Kunlun Mountain
All the seasons of the world has seen
Three million jade dragons it holds
Making the sky icy cold
In summer the snow melts
Flooding rivers and streamlets
Turning humans into fish and turtles
Who is to judge
If the mountain is vicious or meritorious

Now I would like to say to Kunlun:
Don’t be so high
Don’t store so much snow
I wish I could draw a sword
Against the heaven
And cut you into three sections
One for Europe
One for Americas
Once for our east neighbor
In a peaceful world
We share the same temperature


i dreamed my leaving home and cursed the time past
This is what happened there thirty two years ago
red flags led enslaved peasants to rose with arms
a black hand held high a whip tyrannical
because of martyrs who sacrificed for faith
we dared to create a new heavenly dome
happy am I now to see waves of wheat rolling
To cooking smoke heroes at dusk come home
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-19 17:34

朝雾薄。 碧绿乱舞闲池阁。闲池阁。疏影横斜,满地落索。

日出东方香红萼,南来燕子轻飞掠。 双飞燕子啄春泥,旧时屋落。

The morning fog is fading,
In the kiosk by the pool, leaves are swirling.
Wind-blown leaves are swirling.
Shadows of trees, one another, they lean,
Sad feelings scatter here and there, how to clean?
After sunrise, it comes  fragrant many a flower,
Followed by homecoming swallows that flutter.
In pair in the spring,  they peck at soil,
To the same eave, build their nest as they are loyal.

小曼 May 23, 2013
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-20 00:18
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-20 14:16

Plum poems

by Lu You

At the broken bridge near a hotel
A plum tree is blooming alone
A solitary sadness at the sun setting hour
Worsened by wind and shower

I have no mood to compete in spring
Jealous let other flowers be
Even to dust I finally go
My fragrance lingers so

by Mao Zedong

Spring fades among wind and rain
Then returns in dancing snow again
when high cliffs are covered with icicles
A plum tree blooming is seen

Pretty as she is, she doesn't compete in spring
Her flower only a messenger for its coming
When mountains are ablaze with wild flowers
She will be among companions, smiling

翻译的时候的联想和借用:英国民歌 The  Last Rose of Summer。中的 blooming alone, 和 her companions
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-20 15:53
译得好。方先生博学,这个译法忠于原文英语读者又不陌生。而且你还介绍为什么这样译,介绍了用词的来源。只是上面那段是Plum,下面是I。我理解的“无意苦争春” 是梅花无意去跟百花争艳,I 是指梅花吗? 多谢方先生指正。
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-20 17:14

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-20 22:44

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-20 23:57
我现在就是想用平常心翻译。不要拘泥中文原文怎么美。从整理效果考虑决定取舍。为此我读英文诗作为参考。 其实很多英文诗都是平易近人的。
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 07:40
是的,很同意读英诗作为参考。  翻译出来的效果是让英语读者感受原诗的意境美,原作者的感情,译者对两国的语言,文化,文学要有一定的了解,熟识英诗和中文诗,  当读到 “零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故” 就应该会想到:
“ When true hearts lie withered  
  And fond ones are flown,  
Oh! who would inhabit  
  This bleak world alone? ”

  Last Rose of Summer

The Last Rose of Summer
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)

’TIS the last rose of summer  
  Left blooming alone;  
All her lovely companions  
  Are faded and gone;  
No flower of her kindred,         5
  No rosebud is nigh,  
To reflect back her blushes,  
  To give sigh for sigh.  
I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one!  
  To pine on the stem;         10
Since the lovely are sleeping,  
  Go, sleep thou with them.  
Thus kindly I scatter  
  Thy leaves o’er the bed,  
Where thy mates of the garden         15
  Lie scentless and dead.  
So soon may I follow,  
  When friendships decay,  
And from Love’s shining circle  
  The gems drop away.         20
When true hearts lie withered  
  And fond ones are flown,  
Oh! who would inhabit  
  This bleak world alone?

Last Rose of Summer – metaphor for our final days

The Last Rose of Summer is a beautifully simple song in which a single, surviving flower is used as a metaphor for the sadness of being left to carry on alone after the people we care for have gone.

It was written by the Irish poet Thomas Moore, who also wrote several other internationally celebrated songs, most notably perhaps, The Minstrel Boy.

The Last Rose of Summer has remained immensely popular the world over since it was written in 1805, and has been recorded by numerous major artists including Celtic Woman, Deanna Durbin, Maureen Hegarty, Clannad and The Fureys.

Her lovely companions are faded and gone

Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore

The Last Rose of Summer evokes the sadness and loneliness that might be felt by a person towards the end of their lives when all of their contemporaries and friends have died.

The first verse reflects on how the rose is the only one still blooming while all around it have faded and died.

Instantly, the song conjures up a sense of isolation as the rose has no companion to reflect back its beauty or to “give sigh for sigh".

Kindly I scatter thy leaves o’er the bed

Faced with this image of isolation, the poet imagines that the rose must be pining for the loss of its companions.

Rather than see it suffer through loneliness, he prefers to let the last remaining flower join the others which lie “scentless and dead" on the ground.

He sees this as an act of mercy: “Thus kindly I scatter thy leaves o’er the bed."
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-21 09:23
蝶恋花 答李淑一

I lost my "poplar " and you your "willow"
Both of them have risen to heaven
When asked what he had to entertain
The host of the moon presented osmanthus wine

The guest-expecting hostess waved her long sleeves
To dance for the souls of heroes in the sky
From the world below suddenly came the news
That harmful beasts were killed and now dead lie
Like torrential rain joyful tears
From our martyrs fell from on high

寂寞, 没有翻成 lonely 等,因为嫦娥有吴刚,寂寞,是因为除了吴刚没别人,没事干,所以翻译成渴待有客人来
虎翻成 兽, 处于动物保护主义考量


钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江。 虎踞龙盘今胜昔,天翻地覆慨而慷。 宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王。 天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑。

Around the Zhongshan Mountain
Changes came in wind and rain
Crossing the Grand River
Were lion-like troops in the million
This city in tiger and dragon reign
Will now have better situation
Great will be the changes
That reverse earth and heaven
Don't let go the tired enemies
Chase'em with forces that remain
Learn not from the Chu State general
Trusting his foe for a vain reputation
Heaven would not last were it human
The Way of the world is revolution

百万雄师 我给换成了百万雄狮,突出气势
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 12:30
Now I am lost. 不熟识。

Now I am lost. 不熟识。

Around the Zhongshan Mountain
Changes came in wind and rain
Crossing the Grand River
Were lions in the million
This city in tiger and dragon reign
Will now have better situation
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 12:38
Now I am lost. 不熟识。

Around the Zhongshan Mountain
Changes came in wind and rain
Crossing the Grand River
Were lions in the million
This city in tiger and dragon reign
Will now have better situation
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-21 15:02
九嶷山上白云飞,帝子乘风下翠微。 斑竹一枝千滴泪,红霞万朵百重衣。 洞庭波涌连天雪,长岛人歌动地诗。 我欲因之梦寥廓,芙蓉国里尽朝晖。

Over the Jiuyi Mountains
White clouds race
Riding the wind, the princesses
Land here in verdant place
On pieces of bamboo
They shed sad tears
The rosy clouds make
Their many-fold dresses
The waves of the Dongting Lake
Surge high snow-white
The songs from the islet make
An earth-shaking sight
A vast world I thus see in my dreams
While sleeping in my native Hunan
In the morning rises the sun
Bathing my land in its beams


A vast world I thus dream
In my native land’s sleep
And the rising sun in the morn
Bathes the land in its beam
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 19:25
《臨江仙》 明‧楊慎

The Tune of Linjiangxian

The Yangzi River overwhelmingly flows eastward,
Heroes, as if those waves, one after another,
rise and fall then die away from the history river.
No matter right or wrong, success or failure,
things just exist for a sec. and then disappear.
But green mountains always stand there,  
and the sun set at the same spot, not elsewhere.
The grey haired man who fishes and collects firewood
by the river, has got used to every season.
When my friends visit me, in a happy mood,
we talk, laugh, and drink some wine thick,
those history matters will be only a chatting topic.

Jan 21, 2016
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 19:56

Originally posted by fanghuzhai at 2016-1-21 15:02:
九嶷山上白云飞,帝子乘风下翠微。 斑竹一枝千滴泪,红霞万朵百重衣。 洞庭波涌连天雪,长岛人歌动地诗。 我欲因之梦寥廓,芙蓉国里尽朝晖。

Over the Jiuyi Mountains
White clouds race
Riding the wind,..

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-21 21:39
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-22 07:08
附件 1 : 一壶浊酒.png (2016-1-22 07:09, 65.56 K )

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-22 12:45

We rode on fast horses non-stop
And looking back were shocked:
We’d ascended the mountain top
And at the heaven’s gate could knock

How mountains resemble huge rolling waves
Of oceans and rivers in turbulence
That gallop rapidly like war horses
Still in their fighting spirits

Intact are the blades of the mountains
After piercing the heaven
Which hangs on their edges
Which otherwise would have fallen


Behold, the many colors of the rainbow
Who is dancing in the sky with a ribbon pretty so?
The slanting rays of the sun resumed after the rain (分词独立结构)
The mountains display showers of green
A fierce battle fought here (分词独立结构)
On the village walls bullet holes are seen
They now add to the beauty
Of the surrounding mountain




毛主席詩詞  PDF
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-22 13:24
谢谢! 您另一帖说的,“翻译的时候就是先不看别人的,否则就受拘束了。”
很对,我刚刚开始学翻译的时候就是谁的都不看,因为怕自己的思路被打扰。要有自己独立的理解和风格。 原来我一直在尝试中去实践的一些想法没有走太偏。  我实践不够多。多谢你指出一些关键笔法用法。

菩薩蠻 大柏地 1933 夏

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-23 16:27
菩萨蛮  黄鹤楼
Nine misty rivers travers the land of China
One railroad connects the north and the south
What a hazy scene in mist and rain
The turtle and the snake have the Yangtze in chain

Where has the yellow crane gone?
Leaving behind  a sight-seeing spot
I pour wine into the rolling river
The waves in my heart surge higher

水调歌头  游泳

After drinking the water of Changsha
I came to Wuchang its fish to savor
A vast sky of Chu feasted my eyes
I swam thrice across the Yangtze River
To a casual walk in a yard
Braving the wind and waves I prefer
Today I had some leisure
What The Master said by a river
"Thus flows non-stop the water"

Boat masts in wind shake
Quiet are the hills of turtle and snake
A great design has been made:
Across Yangtze a bridge will appear
Natural chasm to become thoroughfare
A rock wall then rises in the west
And severs the river at its best
A placid lake will hang high in the gorges
Now the Goddess with all her sensitivity
Will be shocked by the new world greatly
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-23 20:57

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-24 07:02


截断巫山云雨的意像, 都没有译出。
神女应无恙, 不能译成 if not ill, if in good health, 最多可以译成 if she were real

高峡出平湖,似可改为High in the gorges, a placid lake will rest

After drinking the water of Changsha
I came to Wuchang its fish to savor
My eyes feasted on a vast sky of Chu
I swam across the longest river
Compared with a casual walk in a yard
Fighting wind and waves suits me better
Today I had some leisure
I recalled the Master's words
Said standing by a river:
"Thus flows non-stop the water"

Boat masts in wind shake
Quiet are the hills of turtle and snake
A great design has been made:
Across Yangtze a bridge will appear
Natural chasm to become thoroughfare
A rock wall then rises in the west
And severs the river at its best
A placid lake will high in the gorges rest
Were the Peak of Goddess human
She would be shocked by the phenomenon
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-24 08:48
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-24 22:16
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-1-24 22:42
1)  Ode To The West Wind
2) Good-Night
3) A Lament
5) The Tower Of Famine
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-26 10:52

Winds change directions, clouds change colors
New wars broke out among warlords
Bringing miseries to people in a stream
Each is renewing his kingdom dream

Our flags crossed the River Dingjiang
And further to Longyan and Shanghang
We fixed things after victory was in hand
Into tillers' hands we delivered land

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-1-28 12:15
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-2-1 14:49
my teacher teaches me no rhymes,
i learn by myself times after times.
i thought that I'd got them all right,
so now i start to learn how to fight.

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-2-1 19:50







作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2016-2-2 13:13

Originally posted by fanghuzhai at 2016-1-26 10:52:

Winds change directions, clouds change colors
New wars broke out among warlords
Bringing miseries to people in a stream
Each is renewing his kingdom dream

Our flags crosse..

请教方教授,为什么不译忙字呢?谢谢!是show不是tell?因为字里行间都能看出“忙” ,是这样吗?
作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-2-2 13:25



A mountain flew to stand by
The Yangtze River from on high
Four hundred turns of roads
Lead to the verdant heights
Atop the mountain I scan
The world with scornful eyes
A hot wind blows rain
Over the rivers and skies
Among clouds the Yellow Crane
Floats above the nine streams
The Three-Wu lands down the river
Is covered in white smoky steam
Mr Tao, aha, I wonder where
This magistrate is hiding
I’d like to ask if his utopia
Is now open for farming

作者: fanghuzhai     时间: 2016-2-2 19:31


Ninghua, Qingliu, Guihua
Narro roads, deep forests and slippery moss
Where are we heading to?
Right down the Wuyi Mountains
Down the mountains, down the mountains
Red flags flutter in the winds
Like open scroll paintings




White is the whole sky
Marching in snow makes things more urgent
Over our heads we see mountains high
Our red flags pass the mountain passes in wind

Where are we heading to?
The windy and snowy places on the Ganjiang River
Yesterday was issued an order
To Ji'an moved ten thousand peasants and workers




In June heavenly soldiers came to punish the evil and corrupted
With long ropes they were to capture the Big Bird wicked
In the red area beyond the Ganjiang River
Huang Gonglue was appointed the  reinforcement commander

Workers and peasants in millions rose up
Sweeping Jiangxi and marching on to the provinces of Hu
Down from the heaven came the wind violent and strong
In which I hear the grave tune of  the INTERNATIONALE song

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