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标题: [原创] 一首【一剪梅】英译 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-12 13:53     标题: [原创] 一首【一剪梅】英译

I drown my sorrows in this melancholy autumn,
Hometown is in my dream, sadness in my poem.
The Meinan's  red sun shines  on my heart,
followed by winds of banana and rain of coconut.
Only tunes and essays can lighten my poor mood,
While duckweeds mirror the broad moonlight so good.
But such a scene of sweetness,  
still has difficulty to help remove my sadness.
Alas! I hear my sword wail in despair depths.
As I recall your tenderness, I am afraid,
As if a knight more timid than a maid.
(First version)

August 12, 2015
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-8-13 09:43



載酒江湖落魄秋 。 鄉梓夢懷 , 詩著文愁 。
湄南紅日照心頭 , 椰雨蕉風 , 曲賦閑悠 。
月色溶溶萍映流 。 觸景幽情 , 難解煩憂 。
龍淵寶劍嘯長鳴 , 怕惦溫柔 , 俠骨吟羞 。

【註】湄南 :意指湄公河 。
龍淵寶劍 :一笑齋主所珍藏之愛劍 。

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