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标题: [原创]英译:会挽雕弓如满月/ 酒贱常愁客少,月明多被云妨 [打印本页]

作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-5-9 10:12     标题: [原创]英译:会挽雕弓如满月/ 酒贱常愁客少,月明多被云妨


老夫聊发少年狂, I am old, but still full of pride like a young fellow,

左牵黄, My left hand leads a yellow,

右擎苍,And the right one holds up an eagle,

锦帽貂裘, Brocade hat and sable furs,

千骑卷平冈。 One thousand horses cross the hill which is flat and low.

为报倾城随太守, In order to requite the Taishou, all soldiers follow.

亲射虎, To shoot the tiger in person,

看孙郎。 Look at Sun, Zhong Mou.

酒酣胸胆尚开张, With a great mind and brave heart, I drink my fill,

鬓微霜, In my temples, some grey hair,

又何妨。 But I don't care.

持节云中, A tally to Yunzhong,

何日遣冯唐? When will Feng Tang be dispatched?

会挽雕弓如满月, I will draw a full moon-like bow,

西北望, And look northwest,

射天狼。 Shoot the celestial wolf.

Translator:Xiaoman, May 11, 2013
作者: Xiaoman     时间: 2015-5-9 10:32     标题: 月明多被云妨



世事一场大梦,人生几度秋凉。夜来风叶已鸣廊。看取眉头鬓上。 酒贱常愁客少,月明多被云妨。中秋谁与共孤光。把盏凄然北望。

Life feels like a big dream,
I could only experience a few autumns which were chilly.
Upon nightfall, wind and leaves in alley, scream.
Feelings of anxiety and grey hair make me melancholy,
Cheap wine is followed by less friends, I am worried oftentimes.
The bright moon is always annoyed by the clouds around.
With whom I could enjoy the mid-autumn prime time?
Sadly, I raise the wine cup and look up northbound.

Translator:Xiaoman  2014

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