Flowers rustle and fall alone while no wind blows
In the lonely garden, getting old are cherries and willows
The setting sun shines on where we sit with sentiment
Lying on the top of that mountain the clouds look broken
The road ends in where the river turns; the rudder gets fatigued
We park in the fishing village where light and moon look desolate
My soul flies, and I lean on my stick, calling your name
Oh, I will miss you, my friend, and I know you will do the same
Translator: Xiaoman作者: 唐夫 时间: 2015-5-7 08:23 好雅兴,一位越南华人后裔如此错爱中原文化,实在是凤毛麟角。作者: Xiaoman 时间: 2015-5-7 08:29 唐先生好! 这个没什么,随便玩玩而已。
是的,我爱中原文化, 有时也想去中原逐鹿(可惜出师未捷,反被鹿逐。)