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标题: 蜀 相 (唐)杜甫 [打印本页]

作者: 海外逸士     时间: 2012-8-22 08:15     标题: 蜀 相 (唐)杜甫

丞相祠堂何處尋, 錦官城外柏森森。 映階碧草自春色, 隔葉黃鸝空好音。
三顧頻煩天下計, 兩朝開濟老臣心。 出師未捷身先死, 長使英雄淚滿襟。

The Premier of Shu Kingdom
by Du Fu of Tang Dynasty

Where to seek for the temple of the premier?
Outside JinGuan Town with cypresses so lush.
Green grass on steps reflects the color of spring;
Orioles beyond leaves have vain sweet warbling.
Three visits to bother him for tactics in affairs under heaven;
Heart of old courtier on starting the dynasty of two generations.
But he died before the army gained victory,
Which makes heroes wet gown fronts with tears.

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