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标题: [原创] 魔鬼的两朵花 [打印本页]

作者: 山豆凡     时间: 2011-2-20 18:06     标题: [原创] 魔鬼的两朵花


Two of Devil's Flowers


A devil takes off his cloak, shakes it and turns it into a drapery curtain; he takes out a pair of scissors and cuts many XXXes into that curtain. The devil and the rag both revolve, they move faster and faster and transform into a whirling dusty wind. The devil reappears, in a huge LCD screen at the commercial center. Next to the screen is a black metal box   

"Good evening, laddies and gentlemen”, the devil chuckles, pauses and continues his speech,

"As you may be aware of, the “laddy” referred to here is a smaller man, not a female figure.

All right…Since everybody is present in this beautiful night, it’s time to reveal the most elegant gift fascinating you all for the past of what you ever lived

That giant metal box glistens, and its lid pops open, with a huge flower springing out and unfolding its purple pedals

The Devil exclaims, "Here it is! A giant vulvah! ---the seductive moistened fragrant soft poossy, queen of hole world!

Yes, I see you are all getting thirsty of something...

Come here, laddies and gentlemen, be unleashed and grab your hardwood spoons and have a taste of sweet dews of this magic flora---vulvah!

Oh, I see you, hey you, the laddy hiding in the corner with your pet mouse and a black cyber jacket, stand out please

The devil points his hook-like finger to a young man on whose shirt printed, my name is George

The devil grins and says, "Hello, laddy, yes, George, come close, this vulvah is for you. You can lick its nectar, touch it with your hardwood spoon, and you may squirt your liquidified passion over it, and the flower will bloom even bigger for you".

George lifts the shaken spoon and stirs the nectars of vulvah. The gigantic purple flower trembles and illuminates. The flower pedals turn into enlarged pink tongues, dripping wet, smelling honey

An effeminate whisper with soft echoes flows from the nectar,

"Good boy, yes, good boy…come inside, hold your intelligence…and I will make you empowered".

George is in a state of ecstasy but nervousness. He climbs up into the huge flower, Vulva. Then he disappears but his laughing and the effeminate moaning are still heard

At the back of LCD screen and giant metal box, there is a whole different world. Mad poets run around, holding their hardwood brains and chasing stinky flies. They used to chase honeybees, but its population is dwindling. The bees fly to the opposite world and come back become feces-coated flies

Over the crowd of mad poets, an angel rides a broom flying, wailing and singing,

"I am not a witch
But why I have to fly like a witch
People lost their wishes
People can only wish

The world of mad poets rests against the back of that gigantic metal box; there is a large gash on its box surface, leading directly from the devil’s to the angel’s. The red gash constantly oozes blood and semen. The flies feed on them and produce more and more maggots

The angel is angry and sings louder and louder. Suddenly, the ground rocks and that gash begins to transform into a gigantic flower too.

Angel is surprised and gasps,

"I’ve never seen anything like this before. That’s the most exotic flower ever existed--HumAnus"

The angel also knows that the HumAnus is another gift, sent by the devil.

The flower HumAnus is golden and shinning. Mad poets are attracted to this wild phenomenon and stop chasing those stinky flies. They settle down and watch that gigantic flower, HumAnus

George’s happy soul disseminates and excreted from the Vulvah into the nectar of HumAnus. The pieces of his soul turn into many letters and words, but his laugh still haunts

Those flies become honeybees again, in poets’ imaginations. Each poet takes some letters and words excreted from the flower, HumAnus. They again start to write lovely poems. The angel wails and sings,

"I am not a witch
But why I have to fly like a witch
Now I know what you all wish
What you were chasing are your true wishes
作者: 山豆凡     时间: 2011-2-21 12:32
The angel asks the devil,

"what the f... are you doing here?"

The devil replies,

"Aren't we twins? Why did you ride the broom in the first place?"

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