译诗只是我的一个嗜好 (kinda hobby),其实也算是休闲,玩玩而已,所以一般我很怕小说类的巨作,一是功夫不够,二是没时间,当然关键还是水平不够。译散文和小说需要很广的知识面,更需要文采,在我看来你在这二方面都具很大的潜力,所以加油哦!
从市场价值来看,当然译小说是比译诗来得靠谱 (用你的话来讲) -

If you do have intention to live on translating novels, you'd better choose the bestsellers...当然,你在这方面已经迈出了第一步,而且马到成功,可喜可贺!You appear quite amazing indeed! You surely have great potential to be a great translator and a marvelous writer if you can keep honing your skills in that regard, so please keep up your good effort, and also keep your dream alive! Last but not least, please keep in mind "be a broad-minded person first" Zengzi remarked: "A gentleman (a noble-minded person) makes friends via literary works and enhances virtue via friendship."