骤雨初过,庭前垂泪花数朵。向人欲把心事说。一曲离歌, 幽幽循环播。
浮云散尽天尚可,疏狂一醉谁陪我? 玫瑰一支独婀娜, 青涩苹果, 连理结一对。
Right after rain showers,
In the front yard, soaked in teardrops are a few flowers,
As if they want to disclose their mind
To the person who stands beside,
A song is played, which is about apartness,
And it repeats again and again with hidden bitterness.
After all clouds are gone, the sky looks fine.
But who can be with me when I want to indulge myself with wine?
That single rose is so graceful standing alone out there,
Two apples are still green and bitter, but they were bore to be a pair!
July 27, 2013